Our Animal Behaviour BSc (Hons) course is the longest-established animal behaviour course in the UK and is recognised by the Society of Biology.
Study with us in Cambridge and you’ll learn why animals behave in the ways that they do, and how this can impact on the management of animals both in the wild and in captivity.
We know more than ever before about the behaviour of animals. But with so much still left to learn, you could even have the chance to discover a scientific breakthrough as you develop the skills to investigate animals that will allow you to contribute to important discoveries in the future.
More info: Click here
Core Modules:
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
We work with employers to make sure you graduate with the knowledge, skills and abilities they need. They help us review what we teach and how we teach it – and they offer hands-on, practical opportunities to learn through work-based projects, internships or placements.
Studying animal behaviour could make the difference between future generations seeing live examples of a species, or reading about them in a history book. It could help you to manage and enhance the habitats of zoo animals, or to educate the public on the importance of animal welfare.
What you’ll learn on this course could take you into a career relating to domestic and captive animal management, animal training and behavioural rehabilitation, or zoo education to name but a few. The transferable scientific skills you’ll develop could also open up a career in the field or the laboratory – perhaps for a government agency or an environmental consultancy.
Our Animal Behaviour degree also acts as a foundation for you to become a Certificated Clinical Animal Behaviourist (CCAB). To follow this career path you'll also need to undertake practical training under the supervision of practising CCABs before presenting case studies and a further clinical examination prior to certification. For more information please also see: www.asab.org/ccab, www.abtcouncil.org.uk, www.apbc.org.uk
Graduation doesn’t need to be the end of your time with us. If you’d like to continue your studies we offer a range of full-time and part-time postgraduate courses including Masters in Animal Behaviour: Applications for Conservation and Applied Wildlife Conservation.
Insurance – Single: 300 GBP per year