Art and Design Education (B.S.Ed.)
Check departmental information for any additional requirements.
Students with an undergraduate degree must be admitted to the M.S. program in art with a specialization in art education to enter the licensure program.
This major leads to a license to teach in the public schools of the state of Illinois.
Requirements in School (82)
ART 100 - Drawing Foundation I Credits: 3
ART 101 - Drawing Foundation II Credits: 3
Available for general education credit.
ART 102 - 2-D Foundation Credits: 3
ART 103 - 3-D Foundation Credits: 3
ARTS 200 - Beginning Life Drawing Credits: 3
ARTH 282 - Introduction to World Art Credits: 3 A. On-campus.
Available for general education credit.
ARTH 292 - Art and Design since 1900 Credits: 3 A. On-campus.
Available for general education credit.
ARTE 200 - Studio Foundations for Art and Design Educators Credits: 3
ARTE 342 - Introduction to Art and Design Education: Content and Clinical Experience at the Elementary Level Credits: 4
ARTE 342 is a writing infused course.
ARTE 343 - Art and Technology in the K-12 Classroom Credits: 3
ARTE 344 - Development of Resources and Methods in Art and Design Education: Content and Clinical Experience at the Middle Level Credits: 4
ARTE 344 is a writing infused course.
ARTE 345 - Art and Design Curriculum: Content and Clinical Experience at the High School Level Credits: 4
ARTE 345 is a writing infused course.
ARTE 387 - Assessing Art and Design Learning, K-12 Credits: 3
ARTE 463 - Reading and Writing in Art and Design Education: Critical Approaches Credits: 3
ARTE 463 is a writing infused course.
ARTE 479 - Art for Special Needs Populations Credits: 3
ARTE 479 is a writing infused course.
OR SESE 457 - Methods for Including Middle and Secondary Students with Exceptionalities in the General Education Classroom Credits: 3
ARTE 482 - Clinical Experiences in Studio Pedagogy Credits: 3
ARTE 488A - Student Teaching in Elementary Art Credits: 6
ARTE 488B - Student Teaching in Secondary Art Credits: 6
300- or 400-level art history courses (3)
12 semester hours in the following three categories with no repetition of courses:
1. One of the following pairs of courses (6)
ARTS 300 - Intermediate Drawing Credits: 3
AND ARTS 310 - Issues in Contemporary Drawing Credits: 3
ARTS 321 - Waterbased Painting Credits: 3
AND ARTS 324 - Painting II: The Figure Credits: 3
ARTS 323 - Painting I Credits: 3
AND ARTS 324 - Painting II Credits: 3
ARTS 327 - Beginning Illustration Credits: 3
AND ARTS 437 - Intermediate Illustration Credits: 3
ARTS 330 - Introduction to Printmaking Credits: 3
AND ARTS 331 - Intermediate Printmaking: Lithography Credits: 3
ARTS 330 - Introduction to Printmaking Credits: 3
AND ARTS 332 - Intermediate Printmaking: Intaglio and Relief Credits: 3
ARTS 330 - Introduction to Printmaking Credits: 3
AND ARTS 333 - Intermediate Printmaking: Serigraphy Credits: 3
ARTS 341 - Beginning Ceramics Credits: 3
AND ARTS 346 - Intermediate Ceramics Credits: 3 or 6
Students take 3 semester hours in this course.
ARTS 351 - Beginning Metalwork, Jewelry Design, and Digital Fabrication Credits: 3
AND ARTS 352 - Intermediate Metalwork, Jewelry Design, and Digital Fabrication Credits: 3
ARTS 361 - Beginning Sculpture I Credits: 3
AND ARTS 362 - Intermediate Sculpture Credits: 3
ARTD 313 - Beginning Photography Credits: 3
AND ARTD 413 - Intermediate Traditional Photography Credits: 3
2. One of the following (3)
ARTS 341 - Beginning Ceramics Credits: 3
ARTS 351 - Beginning Metalwork, Jewelry Design, and Digital Fabrication Credits: 3
ARTS 361 - Beginning Sculpture I Credits: 3
3. One of the following (3)
ARTS 300 - Intermediate Drawing Credits: 3
ARTS 321 - Waterbased Painting Credits: 3
ARTS 323 - Painting I Credits: 3
ARTS 327 - Beginning Illustration Credits: 3
ARTS 330 - Introduction to Printmaking Credits: 3
ARTD 313 - Beginning Photography Credits: 3
Requirements outside School (12)
Depending on the courses selected, the multicultural requirement may also be applied toward general education requirements.
EPFE 201 - Education as an Agent for Change Credits: 3
Available for general education credit.
EPFE 201 fulfills the Human Diversity Requirement.
EPFE 400 - Foundations of Education Credits: 3
EPFE 400 is a writing infused course.
OR EPFE 410 - Philosophy of Education Credits: 3
EPFE 410 is a writing infused course.
EPS 405 - Issues in Human Development in the Elementary Through High School Years Credits: 3
LTIC 420 - Methods and Materials for Teaching English Language Learners in the Content Areas Credits: 3