We also accept the following International qualifications:
Energy Science and Technology, and Energy Management are all about how to make the best use of our present and future energy sources. They address critical economic and environmental problems due to energy use by considering the technical, economic and social factors that affect the demand for energy.
More Info: Click here
COMP 101 Foundations of Information Systems
COMP 120 Practical Data Science
COMP 161 Computer Programming
COMP 162 Foundations of Computer Science
STAT 110 Statistical Methods or STAT 115 Introduction to Biostatistics
Note: Students are exempt from COMP 161 if they have gained entry to COMP 162 by passing COMP 151 with a grade of at least B or via an Advanced Placement Test., 18
200-level, COSC 201 Algorithms and Data Structures
INFO 204 Introduction to Data Science
STAT 210 Applied Statistics
STAT 260 Visualisation and Modelling in R, 18
COSC 343 Artificial Intelligence
INFO 304 Advanced Data Science
STAT 312 Modelling High Dimensional Data
One of COSC 344 Database Theory and Applications, STAT 310 Statistical Modelling, 18
Plus , 144 further points, including either requirements for an approved minor or approved second major subject or other approved papers., 144
Total, , 360
Overseas Student Health Cover: 700 NZD per year