* Books and Supplies, Transportation Expenses, Personal Expenses
English requirements
Simply stated, Catholic Studies examines the ongoing impact of the Incarnation in human history. That means Catholic Studies examines everything because the Incarnation of Jesus Christ impacts everything. Art, Literature, Music, Architecture, Biology, Health Care, Business, Friendship, Vocation, Worship… everything. Current cultural trends and events are examined alongside the Church’s teaching so students can make deeper connections between the classroom and life, culture and Catholicism, truth and charity, reason and faith, and more.
Why should I do Catholic Studies?
Because you were created to live a great and full life (cf. John 10:10). That adventure can begin right now. Through study and fellowship rooted in Truth, Goodness, and Beauty, Catholic Studies will sharpen your mind, inflame your heart, and elevate your life. You will learn from and walk in friendship with other students and professors who strive to follow Jesus Christ and live according to His grace and truth.
Why should I do Catholic Studies?
Because you were created to live a great and full life (cf. John 10:10). That adventure can begin right now. Through study and fellowship rooted in Truth, Goodness, and Beauty, Catholic Studies will sharpen your mind, inflame your heart, and elevate your life. You will learn from and walk in friendship with other students and professors who strive to follow Jesus Christ and live according to His grace and truth.
More info: Click here
Health Insurance - USD $1999 per year