Prerequisites: English, English as an Additional Language, Literature or English & Literature Extension (Units 3&4, C).
English language requirements apply to International applicants and other applicants whose previous study was undertaken in a language other than English. The minimum English language requirements for such applicants for entry to this program are as follows:
A minimum overall band score of 6.5 on IELTS (Academic) with no sub-score of less than 6.0
OR a minimum score of 575 on TOEFL
OR an internet-based (iBT) TOEFL score of 79 (no sub-score less than 19)
OR no score less than 3+ in each skill of the ISLPR (conducted by ISLPR Language Services only)
OR a minimum overall score of 176 (no score less than 169) on C1 Advanced (formerly Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English) or C2 Proficiency (formerly Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English)
OR an overall score of 58 in the Pearson Test of English (Academic) with no score less than 50.
English test results must be no more than two years old
The Bachelor of Psychological Science will give you a thorough grounding in clinical, developmental, biological, cognitive, social and organisational psychology.
You will learn how to:
As an International student, you will receive dedicated support from your arrival in Australia through to your departure after graduation. You will be introduced to Griffith through an orientation program, and receive ongoing social, personal and academic support throughout your degree.
Honours is available through an additional year of study at the Gold Coast or Mt Gravatt campus.
More Info: Click here
Year 1
You must complete the following courses:
Introduction to Psychology 1 - 1001PSY
Interpersonal Skills - 1008PSY
Psychology in Professional Contexts - 1011PSY
Listed and/or Free-choice electives
Introduction to Psychology 2 - 1002PSY
Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology - 1003PSY
Counselling Skills - 1018PSY
Listed and/or Free-choice electives
Year 2
You must complete the following courses:
Experimental Design and Analysis - 2000PSY
Lifespan Development - 3011PSY (offered in 2017 only)
Developmental Psychology - 2015PSY (offered from 2018)
Biological Psychology - 2007PSY
Listed and/or Free-choice electives (see Note 1)
Social and Cultural Psychology - 2008PSY
Cognitive Psychology - 2006PSY
Group Facilitation and Coaching Skills - 2018PSY
Listed and/or Free-choice electives
Note 1: Students entering the program in Year 2 and are required to undertake the English Language Enhancement course must complete 5902LHS in their first trimester of study in place of one elective course.
Year 3
You must complete the following courses:
Survey Design and Analysis - 3003PSY
Behaviour Change Skills - 3018PSY
Listed and/or Free-choice electives (see Note 1)
Psychological Assessment of Individual Differences - 3006PSY
Abnormal Psychology - 3009PSY
Note 1: Students must complete at least 20 credit points of listed and/or free-choice electives at third year level.
High-achieving students who meet certain criteria are encouraged to apply for the Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours) (2004) or Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours) (2033).
Listed electives
Workplace Psychology - 2004PSY
Applied Psychology - 1021PSY
Personality Psychology - 2016PSY
Career Psychology and Counselling - 2020PSY
Counselling Theory and Practice - 3005PSY
Positive Psychology - 1010PSY
Health Psychology - 2010PSY
Adult Development and Ageing - 3012PSY
Cognitive Neuropsychology - 3019PSY
Psychological Perspectives on Cultural Diversity - 3033PSY
Adolescent Development - 3021PSY
Free-choice electives
You may select free-choice electives from the list below or any Undergraduate free-choice elective/s offered across the University provided pre-requisites are met. If you require guidance please liaise with your Program Director.
When selecting a course, you are required to check the trimester/year of offering, campus of offer, and mode of offer. If the course is an in-person offering, you must be able to attend classes on the campus of offer. Some courses outside the School of Applied Psychology may require permission from the Course Convenor.
Human Services Structures - 1006HSV
Applied Psychology - 1021PSY
Linguistics 1A - Introduction to the Study of Language I - 1001LHS (not offered from 2022)
First Peoples - 1088LHS
Introduction to Politics - 1101GIR
Introduction to Health Promotion - 1977MED
Psychological Perspectives on Cultural Diversity - 3033PSY
First Peoples and Social Justice - 2032HSV
Sociology of Identity - 2143LHS
Nutrition - 2210AHS
Priorities and Interventions in Public Health - 2209MED
Developmental and Life Course Criminology - 3025CCJ
Race, Crime and Justice - 3016CCJ
Youth Justice - 3015CCJ
Children and Youth - 3013HSV
Child and Youth Mental Health - 3936NRS
Exercise and Sport Psychology - 3009AHS
The Future of Work - 1007GBS
First Peoples Health and Practice - 3121MED
Introduction to Criminology and Criminal Justice - 1013CCJ
Social Problems - Inequality and (In)justice - 1008CCJ (Tri 3: Online)
Criminology Skills - 1011CCJ
Sociology of Crime - 2007CCJ
Business Decision-Making - 1008GBS
Community Internship and Partnerships for SDGs - 3002LFC
Self-Marketing - 3029MKT
Introduction to Forensic Psychology - 1010CCJ (Tri 3 online only)
Homicide - 1014CCJ (Tri 3 online only)
Human Services Processes - 1007HSV
Introduction to Social Theory - 1014HSV
Equity and Diversity - 1028HSV
Language, Culture and Society - 1402LHS
Music, Mind and Brain - 3105QCM
Victimology - 2014CCJ
Crime and Media - 2013CCJ
Working in Organisations - 2031HSV
Community Practice Approaches - 2010HSV
Childhood: Early Years - 2026HSV
Sociology of Youth - 2026LHS
Fraud and Cybercrime - 3026CCJ
Informing Decision Making in Dementia Care - 3981NRS
Foundations of Academic Writing - 1019LHS (online only)
Ideas, Issues and Inquiry - 1061LHS (not offered from 2021)
Health Challenges for the 21st Century - 1205MED
Psychology of Crime - 2000CCJ (Tri 3: Online)
Gender, Crime and Justice - 2015CCJ
Punishment, Justice and Reform - 3006CCJ
Engaging with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Business Communities - 3100AFE
Essential Skills for the New Health Professional - 3025MSC
As a Bachelor of Psychological Science graduate you will be prepared for careers in counselling, guidance, health management, social research, human services, social welfare and other related fields. You may also be eligible for entry into a range of postgraduate degrees in areas such as speech pathology, social work, rehabilitation counselling, forensic mental health, criminology and criminal justice, human services, mental health practice, disability studies, health research, and business research.
Psychological science graduates are employed in a wide range of occupations and industries including in community corrections, in business as performance and workforce managers and occupational psychologists, in marketing, in the police service and defence forces, and in schools as guidance officers.
To practice as a psychologist in Australia, you must be registered with the Psychology Board of Australia. To be eligible for registration, you must complete the Bachelor of Psychological Science with Honours. As a graduate with honours, you will be eligible for associate membership of the Australian Psychological Society and provisional registration as a psychologist with the Psychology Board of Australia. For full registration, you will need to complete a further two years of approved postgraduate study or supervised practice (on-the-job training) with a registered psychologist.
OSHC: 609 ($) AUD per year