Full time BSc (Hons) Biology with optional placement and the possibility of proceeding to complete an MBiolSci depending on academic performance.
Biology is the study of living organisms from the molecular level to ecosystems. Our full-time undergraduate BSc Hons Biology course covers fundamental areas of biology with a focus upon the biomedical, molecular and environmental sciences. During the first year you will study fundamentals of biology such as biodiversity, plant and animal physiology, chemistry and biochemistry, as well as cell biology. In the first semester of your first year you will also receive tailor-made training in subject specific as well as transferable core skills in a small group teaching environment. In Year 2 you will study more specific biological science disciplines such as marine biology, genetics, microbiology and biotechnology, which will build upon knowledge acquired in first year but also underpin study in the final year. The final year is driven by the very strong research expertise and interests of the lecturing staff and provides an opportunity to carry out an extensive research project in a specific biological topic.
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Courses are continually reviewed to take advantage of new teaching approaches and developments in research, industry and the professions. Please be aware that modules may change for your year of entry. The exact modules available and their order may vary depending on course updates, staff availability, timetabling and student demand. Please contact the course team for the most up to date module list.
Year one
Biostatistics and Skills for Biologists
Year: 1
An introduction to the basic statistical methods essential to scientific analysis and the use of selective software packages for the analysis and presentation of data. Introduction to learning in a university setting, including information retrieval and handling, as well as communication and presentation. Teaching includes lectures, computer laboratory classes and tutorials.
Human, Animal and Plant Physiology
Year: 1
This module introduces students to the principles of fundamental physiology of animals and plants; it provides an introduction to the relationships between organism structures and functions.
Ecology & Biodiversity
Year: 1
This module considers concepts of ecology and biodiversity, starting with an introduction to the history of life on earth and moving into the diversity of organisms and their biology in the context of individuals, populations, and the biosphere.
Year: 1
This module is designed to introduce students to the fundamental biochemical pathways, an understanding of which are necessary for the further study of life and health sciences. The structure, function and metabolism of biological macromolecules and the regulation of the pathways involved in their metabolism are discussed in detail
Medical Cell Biology
Year: 1
This module will enable students to develop an understanding of the cellular basis of life and the relevance of studies of cell structure and function at the molecular level to human disease. In addition, it will provide a foundation for further studies in genetics, microbiology, histology and biochemistry.
Chemistry and Pharmacology
Year: 1
This module introduces general descriptive, physical, organic and inorganic chemistry and the principles underlying chemical properties and reactions of simple organic and inorganic compounds with applications to pharmacology.
Year two
Year: 2
This module considers a wide number of aspects and issues in biotechnology, sufficient to underpin and reinforce other topics in life sciences. Topics include production, commercialisation and ethics of biotechnology products and the impact of biotechnology on sustainability of modern society.
Molecular Biology
Year: 2
The module provides in depth coverage of major modern advances in, and resulting from, genomic and post-genomic technologies, relevant to Biological Sciences.
This module is designed to provide a thorough practical knowledge of key molecular biology techniques which are used for study of the genetic basis of human disease.
Veterinary Biology
Year: 2
This module introduces students to the principles of animal health and welfare; it provides students with both general and group specific e.g. food-producing, companion, laboratory animal requirements for health. Also, it provides students with theoretical knowledge of biological parameters, vital signs and clinical indicators allowing for animal health assessment and monitoring.
Professional Practice
Year: 2
This module will introduce the concepts and requirements of biobusinesses that are necessary to ensure professional conduct in a career in the biosciences. Laboratory management, quality control, data protection, health & safety and scientific communication are covered. This module will facilitate understanding of current professional practice as recognised throughout the varied range of local and national bioscience industries, as well as further developing skills and attributes that will enable graduates to pursue careers as biosciences professionals.
Applied Genetics
Year: 2
This module considers genetic defects that contribute to human disease with study of recombinant DNA techniques, human inheritance, chromosomal aberrancies and inborn errors of metabolism, carcinogenesis and ageing. Practical experience of contemporary molecular biological techniques is also provided. Advances in molecular genetics and the human genome project are also discussed and provide an appreciation of the potential for improved diagnostics and therapeutics
Year: 2
This module provides insight into the major historical events, discoveries, disciplines, activities and relevance of microorganisms to the different areas of human activity. A major goal is to provide a foundation for understanding and learning microbiology as a biological science and its relation to our public health and the environment.
Year: 2
This module is designed to provide understanding of key concepts in pathology sufficient to underpin further study in the biomedical sciences
Year: 2
This module is designed to provide students with an understanding of the key concepts in immunology sufficient to underpin further study in the biomedical sciences
Year three
Current Biology
Year: 3
This module involves an in depth study of selected bioscience issues which are the subject of considerable current public policy controversy. Alternative interpretations of related controversial material will be examined and critically evaluated by participants.
Biology Placement - Diploma in Professional Practice
Year: 3
This module is optional
An industrial placement is an optional element of the Biology Honours Degree programme and provides a wide range of opportunities for students to experience work in many different fields of biology including laboratories, education, research and development, quality assurance, etc. Students benefit greatly by completing a placement period and improve their knowledge and practical abilities as well as enhancing their employment prospects.
Diploma in International Academic Studies (DIAS)
Year: 3
This module is optional
In this study programme students spend one year in another university, either in a EU country or in the USA under the Study USA Iniative (British Council, NI). This exchange experience is designed to provide experience of an educational and cultural environment in an overseas country.
Year four
Natural Products
Year: 4
This module gives an integrated overview of the processes and analytical techniques required in the extraction and processing of naturally occurring, bioactive compounds. The value and rationale of each scientific method is described in the context of a wide variety of natural products, including marine, plant microbe and animal sources. Critical evaluation skills with regard to selection of analytical method are particularly encouraged. The module includes interactive tasks, tutorials, sourcing literature and scientific writing.
Investigative project
Year: 4
This Investigative Project is an independent piece of work completed by the student, designed to develop key research and transferable skills in a discipline relevant to biomedical sciences/biosciences.
Clinical Immunology & Medical Microbiology
Year: 4
This module provides a detailed insight into the interaction between a microbial pathogen and its human host. The interaction between micro-organisms and the immune defence mechanism is highlighted. Consideration is also given to the use of vaccines and chemotherapy to avoid and eliminate infection. The module is taught by a combination of lectures and seminars with online supplementary materials where appropriate
Pharmacology and Evidence-Based Practice
Year: 4
This module provides an understanding of applied and systems pharmacology of direct relevance to diverse clinical, industrial, and research careers, with an emphasis on development and application of advanced knowledge and skills, including utilization of evidence-based practice approach.
Graduates of this degree will be able to work in a range of establishments in areas of biological research, human communities and demographic studies, health laboratories, environmental related monitoring quality, survey, conservation or management, food, pharmaceuticals or agrochemical industries. A large number of our Biology graduates have obtained Masters and Doctoral degrees from this University and a variety of leading European and American Universities or completed a PGCE to become teachers of biology.
Insurance Single: 300 GBP/year