* Books and Supplies
This comprehensive program develops skills in core areas of business and provides you with up-to-date training in computers, accounting, business writing and human resource management. After completion of all required course work, you will finish your program with a three-week work placement with a local employer, where you will gain valuable hands-on experience in a business environment. On completion of the program, you will be ready for employment in a business/accounting environment
Delivered at four Campuses:
Interlake Campus, Selkirk
Portage Campus, Portage la Prairie
Steinbach Campus, Steinbach
Winkler Campus, Winkler
For more information Click here
Year 1
Term 1Credit Hours
ACCT-1071Accounting Fundamentals
ACCT-1088Simply Accounting (PC)
ADMN-1010Introduction to Canadian Business
BUSA-1082Office Professionalism
COMM-1173Communication Strategies
COMM-1424Effective Speaking Skills
COMM-2174Communication for Business
COMP-1255Business Applications
HUMR-1007Payroll and Taxable Benefits
HUMR-1064Human Resource Management
MATH-1078Business Mathematics
MRKT-1017Marketing Foundations
PDEV-1985Team Building/Work Habits for Success
PRAC-1048Workplace Practicum
SEMR-9096Conflict Resolution
PDEV-1947Exceptional Customer Service
SAFE-1260Workplace Safety and Health
SEMR-9106Negotiating Skills
SEMR-9115Managing Change
The Intensive English for International Students (IEIS) is a full-time program designed to develop communicative language skills for those studying, living and working in Canada.
$730 CAD/year (International Health Insurance), $255 CAD/year (Extended Health and Dental)