Semester one
! Introduction to engineering analysis using matlab®
! Introduction to engineering analysis using matlab® lab
! General chemistry i (kbs)
! Analytic geometry and calculus i (kmcr)
destination kent state: first year experience
Kent Core Requirement
Semester two
computer aided engineering graphics
introduction to aerospace engineering
! Analytic geometry and calculus ii
! General university physics i (kbs) (klab)
semester three
! Mathematical methods in the physical sciences i
! General university physics ii (kbs) (klab)
Kent Core Requirement
Semester four
principles of microeconomics (kss)
materials and processes
aerodynamics for engineers i
! Mathematical methods in the physical sciences ii
semester five
Thermal fluid engineering
Thermal fluid engineering laboratory
Signals and circuits
Signals and circuits laboratory
Aerodynamics for engineers ii
Strength of materials for engineers
Semester six
! Professional development in aeronautics
aerospace vehicle performance i
system dynamics and control
aerospace propulsion for engineering and engineering technology
Kent Core Requirement
Semester seven
Aerospace vehicle performance ii
Aircraft design (elr)
College of Aeronautics and Engineering Electives
Kent Core Requirement
Kent Core Requirement
Semester eight
aircraft design ii (wic)
! Introduction to finite element method and applications
! Orbital mechanics
Kent Core Requirement
Kent Core Requirement
Minimum Total Credit Hours: 120