* Books, Transportation, Other costs
English requirements
In a media saturated, diverse, and complex global environment, the Communication and Media Studies (CMS) prepares students to become discerning media consumers and producers, critical thinkers, confident speakers, skilled writers, and creative storytellers.
An interdisciplinary program, CMS builds upon a foundation of communication and media theory and draws from eleven programs and departments on campus to enable students to study a wide range of topics and develop critical academic and professional skills including:
CMS is an interdisciplinary, versatile, and flexible major that pushes students to expand their understanding of human communication, culture, and social institutions.
The knowledge, understanding, and skills that students acquire in the CMS major transform them into a highly valued asset for a wide variety of industries: from grassroots organizations, to global media companies, to politics, law, and everything in-between.
Communication and media are the relational, collaborative forces that construct our world, and a CMS degree gives students a unique edge to impact that world.
CMS students question knowledge, analyze the world around them, and create solutions. At the end of their course of study CMS majors will be able to:
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