* Technology Fee, Orientation Fee, Vehicle Registration Fee
International Students whose native language is not English must submit proof of English language proficiency. The following are ways in which you can satisfy the language proficiency requirement:
The BA in Political Science with an International Studies Concentration reflects the reality of globalization and prepares students to address, manage and resolve contemporary foreign policy and public policy challenges, problems and issues employing an international and comparative perspective. The concentration addresses political, social, cultural and economic issues in their global and historical context. Students completing the concentration will have a sound grounding in international affairs and will have the analytical and problem-solving tools to address complex global public policy issues. The concentration will prepare students for further graduate study and careers in international trade, international law, international social and economic development, international security, and foreign policy through employment with international governmental organizations, the non-profit sector, law firms, international business, and the U.S. government.
More info: Click here
Courses Required for the Major: (36 credits)
Three credits taken from:
Three taken from:
Courses Required for Concentration: (24 credits)
Six credits taken from:
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