Prerequisites: English, English as an Additional Language, Literature or English & Literature Extension (Units 3&4, C).
Portfolio requirements for International applicants
International applicants are required to submit a portfolio together with their application for this program and further admission information is available in the following brochure:
English language requirements apply to International applicants and other applicants whose previous study was undertaken in a language other than English. The minimum English language requirements for such applicants for entry to this program are as follows:
A minimum overall band score of 6.5 on IELTS (Academic) with no sub-score of less than 6.0
OR a minimum score of 575 on TOEFL
OR an internet-based (iBT) TOEFL score of 79 (no sub-score less than 19)
OR no score less than 3+ in each skill of the ISLPR (conducted by ISLPR Language Services only)
OR a minimum overall score of 176 (no score less than 169) on C1 Advanced (formerly Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English) or C2 Proficiency (formerly Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English)
OR an overall score of 58 in the Pearson Test of English (Academic) with no score less than 50.
English test results must be no more than two years old.
International students must be in Australia and able to attend campus to commence this program.
Arrangements for continuing students unable to travel to Australia will be advised by the School.
You will learn how to create the games that people love to play the world over. You will receive a thorough grounding in the creative development of game art and design, moving from art-foundation skills to storytelling, storyboarding, cinematography, 3D modelling, human movement, game level design, computer interface issues, sound design and the influence of games on society.
In your final year, you will have the opportunity to participate in a major group project, with the aim to ship your first game title to market. You will also have the opportunity to engage with industry practitioners and gain hands-on experience with games production.
More Info: Click here
Year 1
You must complete the following courses:
Principles of Games Design 1 - 1105GFS
Introduction to Game Development - 1111GFS
Programming for Interactive Media - 1109GFS
Prerequisite for chosen major
Free-choice elective
Realtime Environments - 1121GFS
Mechanics in Action: Arcade Games - 1112GFS
Principles of Games Design 2 - 1110GFS
Prerequisite for chosen major
Free-choice elective
Year 2
You must complete the following courses:
Games History and Culture - 2103GFS
Serious Games - 2130GFS
Major courses
Free-choice elective
Year 3
You must complete the following courses:
Experimental Games Design - 3130GFS
Contemporary Issues and Games Design - 3118GFS
Major courses
Free-choice elective
Graduates with the Bachelor of Games Design may be eligible to apply for Bachelor of Games Design (Honours) or various postgraduate programs.
No Course!
You will be prepared to work as a prop, environment, character or technical artist, gameplay, level, system or combat designer, gameplay programmer,3D modeller, 2D or 3D animator, or motion capture animator.
OSHC: 609 ($) AUD per year