IELTS: 6.0 (No brand no less than 5.5)
How do we think and learn? How do we control our movements and behaviour? What makes us tick? Exploration of the human mind is a fascinating field and this degree is an equally fascinating educational journey into behaviour, cognition, and psychological principles and theory.
You'll develop strong analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as proficiency in research and statistics, all of which will inform your ability to apply scientific approaches in professional settings.
Graduates can seek employment in health, social and disability services, youth services, corrective services, armed services, research agencies and education in a range of careers that require critical thinking and an understanding of human psychological factors.
Alternatively, eligible graduates may undertake a fourth year of study by enrolling in the accredited Bachelor of Psychological Science with Honours. Completion of this fourth year of study is the minimal educational qualification to apply for conditional registration as a postgraduate intern in psychology in Australia.
More info: click here
Psychologists are employed in health, social and disability services, youth services, corrective services, the armed services, research agencies such as the CSIRO, and in education.
Private industry is also a large employer of those with psychology degrees who receive further specialised training for work in management, human resources and corporate consultancy services.
OSHC: 530 ($) AUD per year