Semester one
Education in a democratic society
World geography (divg) (kss)
Or geography of the united states and canada (divd) (kss) or human geography (divg) (kss)
Basic mathematical concepts i (kmcr)
Destination kent state: first year experience
Kent core requirement
Semester two
Note: minimum 2.750 overall gpa and passing praxis core reading, writing and mathematics
Introduction to human communication (kadl)
Introduction to early childhood services
Basic mathematical concepts ii (kmcr)
Introduction to exceptionalities (divd)
Physics (phy) elective
Kent core requirement
Semester three
Note: minimum 2.750 overall gpa; apply online for advanced study by the second friday of the term
Educational psychology
Early america: from pre-colonization to civil war and reconstruction (divd) (khum)
Science and lab elective
Kent core requirement
Semester four
Requirement: minimum 2.75 overall gpa
Note: complete application for student teaching; block of courses must be taken together in same term; field assignment is part of Understanding young children's development
Social studies and the arts in preschool
Seminar: preschool teaching and learning
Partnering with families for effective guidance
Clinical experience in preschool (elr)
Semester five
Requirement: minimum 2.750 overall gpa
Note: block of courses must be taken together in same term; there is a field assignment for this semester
Integrated primary curriculum
Languages and literacies
Mathematics and science in the early years
Critical inquiry: the ib framework
Educational technology
Semester six
Requirement: minimum 2.750 overall gpa; block of courses must be taken together in same term
Note: block of courses must be taken together in same term; there is a field assignment for this semester
Teaching social studies in the elementary years
Appropriate phonics instruction and word study
Teaching mathematics in the elementary years i
Teaching science in the elementary years
Family-school-community partnerships in diverse settings
Semester seven
Note: apply for graduation; minimum 2.750 gpa required for end of term; block of courses must be taken together in same term; there is a field assignment for this semester
Teaching science and social studies in the elementary years
Developmental reading and writing in the elementary years
Developing a balanced literacy program in the elementary years (wic)
Teaching mathematics in the elementary years ii
Development and pedagogy in upper elementary school
Semester eight
Requirement: minimum 2.750 overall gpa at end of term
Note: full-time teaching in this term
Inquiry into professional practice
Internship in elementary schools (elr)
Minimum total credit hours: 122