This course equips you with the necessary technical skills to develop games both independently and within a multidisciplinary environment, backed by industry standard practices. You will have the opportunity to develop games for platforms such as PC, mobile and console. With a focus on programming, you will become adept in games programming using industry relevant languages (e.g. C#, C++) and mathematical concepts through popular game engines such as Unity, and the Unreal Engine. You will work with other students to develop games as part of a games studio environment, simulated in our specialised games lab.
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Year 1 (national level 4):
Gain an overview of basic design principles of systems and software, including modelling principles and the use of tools, and design patterns. Investigates different software processes, data integration, project management and be introduced to software testing methods. Discover key concepts that will allow you to begin to break down programmatical application areas and begin to devise, document, test, develop and improve working solutions for a given problem.
Learn the basic principles of computer architectures. Gain an understanding of the underlying mathematics, operations and components used by computer architectures. Be introduced to the concept of operating systems and the types of hardware that can be attached to a computer to facilitate input and output. Explore in detail the considerations and tasks required to install, manage, and maintain computers both in stand-alone and virtual environments.
Learn the basic principles of programming. Develop your skills in logical analysis into formal representation within structured program code. Cover the core principles of computer programming that underpin all computer science disciplines. Focus on simple data storage and manipulation using the primary programming structures of sequence, selection, and repetition. Develop programs using industry standard techniques.
Year 2 (national level 5):
Learn key skills such as self-determination, planning and actioning of goals, time management, independent learning and team working.
This module has been developed with the support of the Institute of Coding, a network of employers, universities, training providers and professional bodies working together to create the skills needed for the digital economy. The module has been modified as a result of collaboration with a number of industry partners including SAGE and Adlink, to enhance industry relevant employability skills.
Enhance your game development skills by undergoing an iterative procedure of rapid game prototyping. A series of games will be developed rapidly to not only provide hands on experience with games development, but also improve your abilities in games programming and project management, with an emphasis on your own creativity throughout the process. Throughout the module you will critically evaluate gameplay mechanics in response to a player’s expectations and experience.
Use C/C++ as the object-oriented programming language to produce the various forms of artefacts associated with video games.
The ability to reduce a game down to its core is fundamental for any professional game developer. As such, you will study gameplay elements of well-established titles in order to reduce them to their minimum viable products. Games programming techniques will also be taught in a practical way, giving you hands-on experience with AI, game mathematics and programming design patterns. You will be assessed on your ability to develop a demo that focuses entirely on a gameplay mechanic of your own creation, outlined in a written professional game design document.
In the games industry, you are working within a multi-disciplinary team. As a programmer, you will often need to communicate with those in other professions throughout development. This module concentrates on the development of digital 3D models using industry standard 3D modelling packages such as Autodesk 3DS Max. To support this, the module also covers the fundamentals of 3D modelling scripting languages and shaders.
Final year (national level 6):
Core modules
Undertake advanced study, including a literature review, in order to research and develop to completion a substantial piece of work that demonstrates the range of skills you have acquired. You will also submit a dissertation that describes and evaluates the problem and solution. Past examples include an Android audio application, a Trojan detector and a network monitoring tool.
This module will introduce fundamental optimisation techniques that are essential for any contemporary professional game developer for you to then apply within the development of your games. With a focus on data structures and algorithms essential to games programming, and game engine architecture, you will acquire the skills to efficiently develop games for a specific platform (e.g. mobile or console).
To solidify your position within the games industry, it is imperative to develop your own small portfolio of games. Without this, the industry will find it difficult to see your passion for game development. This portfolio should be comprised of at least three to four finished, and polished games. They should be small but to a high quality. This module will give you the freedom to create one substantial piece of work to add to your portfolio. You will be assessed on the initial research of your chosen piece, its feasibility, and the finished product. You will present your game idea in the form of a pitch at the start of the module, and then demonstrate the quality of your final piece through a gameplay session towards the end.
This module develops your knowledge of current AI principles and your skills in this fast-moving area, which is a particular focus of Sunderland’s research.
Analyse, design, develop, test and deploy native mobile applications using Java and Android Studio. You will be introduced to native programming, application build and deployment, the Android ecosystem, security and software engineering in a student led and practical manner.
You will study principles and practices that ensure users gain the most appropriate experience when interacting with computer-based software and hardware systems.
Gain the knowledge and skills that will enable you to explore and exploit business opportunities for software enterprises.
Undertake a work-based placement to support computing in a school or equivalent learning environment.
Sunderland has a good reputation with employers. 93.4% of our graduates are in employment, further study or training within six months of graduating, according to DLHE 2016/17 (based on full-time, first degree, home leavers). The top type of job gained by our graduates is ‘information and communication technology professional’.
Our graduates have gone on to become web programmers, IT managers, information analysts and software developers. Employers that have taken on our graduates include Sage, British Airways and the NHS. Other graduates have started their own businesses or become software contractors earning over £50,000 a year.
Insurance-Single: 300 GBP/year