To enter the Masters Qualifying Programme, students must have completed three years of post-secondary study in their home country.
IELTS 5.5 (no band less than 5.5) or agreed equivalent
International students who have already completed three years of post-secondary study in their home country but find their English language level a barrier to postgraduate study in Australia can now smoothly transition into a highly regarded English-language masters programme in one or two semesters through a combination of discipline-specific subjects with English language support.
CRICOS Codes: Standard: 0100443 (NT/VIC), 0100446 (NSW)
Charles Darwin University CRICOS Provider Code 00300K (NT/VIC) 03286A (NSW), RTO Provider Code 0373
More info: Click here
Semester 1
Academic skills and communication
Intercultural skills and communication
Critical thinking for postgraduate studies
English for postgraduate studies
Semester 2
Business ethics
Business communication
Organisational security
Enterprise it management
Students get a deep understanding of the demands of postgraduate study and learn the processes, expectations and methods for success before their masters programme begins.
The Masters Qualifying Programme prepares international students for postgraduate study in many CDU postgraduate programmes
Graduate Certificate of Maternal Critical Care (Sydney)
Graduate Diploma in Business Administration
Graduate Diploma of Data Science
Graduate Diploma of Emergency and Disaster Management
Graduate Diploma of Indigenous Policy Development
Graduate Diploma of Information Technology (Cyber Security)
Graduate Diploma of Mental Health (Sydney)
Master of Business Administration
Master of Business Administration (Professional Practice)
Master of Data Science
Master of Digital Learning Futures
Master of Education (Global Learning)
Master of Emergency and Disaster Management
Master of Engineering
Master of Environmental Management
Master of Information Technology (Cyber Security)
Master of Information Technology (Information Systems
and Data Science)
Master of Midwifery (Sydney) status in country of origin
Master of Nursing Studies (International)
Master of Professional Accounting
Master of Professional Accounting (Professional Practice)
Master of Public Policy
Master of Teaching
OSHC: 530 ($) AUD per year