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Physiological Sciences
Physiological Sciences BSc (Hons)
Physiological Sciences BSc (Hons)

Physiological Sciences BSc (Hons)

  • ID:US440078
  • Level:3-Year Bachelor's Degree
  • Duration:
  • Intake:

Fees (GBP)

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Admission Requirements

Entry Requirements

English Requirements

  • ​IELTS with an overall score of 6.0 and at least 5.5 in each component 
  • PTE 56 with no less than 51 in each skill.

Course Information

Studying Physiological Sciences will broaden your knowledge of the important organ systems of the human body, including how they function in health and disease. You will develop specialist knowledge from a range of optional modules to suit your interests, which include pathophysiology and therapeutics, cardiac physiology, blood science and the physiology of sport and exercise. 

Depending on the availability of suitable placements, and subject to interview, you may be able to switch from a degree in Physiological Sciences to Healthcare Science, specialising in one of the following areas:

Cardiac Physiology: Healthcare Science Practitioners in this field are responsible for performing and interpreting a wide range of diagnostic tests including Electrocardiographs (ECG), ambulatory blood pressure and heart rate monitors, and exercise stress tests. Qualified staff also monitor patients during invasive tests such as coronary angiograms and percutaneous coronary intervention. They also ensure the optimal function of implantable devices such as pacemakers and implantable cardiovertor defibrillators (ICDs).

Audiology: Audiology is a challenging and expanding field involving the study of hearing and balance. As a healthcare profession, audiology involves assessment, management and therapeutic rehabilitation of people with hearing and balance problems, and associated disorders. If you have a particular interest in biological sciences, psychology, physics and electronics as well as speech and language development, you may find that audiology has a lot to offer.

The course includes a series of integrated clinical placements each year in an approved clinical training laboratory. If you would like to follow this route, then you would apply for BSc (Hons) Physiological Sciences, then apply for one of the areas above when you start the course. For further information about Healthcare Sciences (Life Sciences) see our Help and Advice article.

More info: Click here

BSc (Hons) Physiological Sciences

Year 1 (national level 4)

Core modules:

  • Fundamental Principles in Biomedicine (20 credits)
  • Human Physiology (20 credits)
  • Molecular and Cellular Biology (20 credits)
  • Microbes and Host Defences (20 credits)
  • Clinical and Professional Practice (20 credits)

Optional modules (choose one):

  • Introduction to cardiovascular, respiratory and sleep science (20 credits)
  • Introduction to the practice of cardiovascular, respiratory and sleep science (20 credits)
  • Principles of sport and exercise physiology (20 credits)
  • Applied Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology of neurosensory systems (20 credits)
  • Applied Physics and measurement (20 credits)

Year 2 (national level 5)

Core modules:

  • Research Methods and Analytical Skills for Biosciences (20 credits)
  • Pathophysiology and Therapeutics (20 credits)
  • Pathophysiology of Common Cardiovascular and Respiratory Conditions (20 credits)

Optional modules (choose three):

  • Molecular and Cellular Analysis (20 credits)
  • Infection and Immunity (20 credits)
  • Blood Science (20 credits)
  • Biosciences Literature Review (20 credits)
  • Sport and Exercise Physiology I (20 credits)
  • Pathophysiology of hearing and balance (20 credits)

Year 3 (national level 6)

Core modules:

  • Bioscience Research Investigation (40 credits)

Optional modules (choose four):

  • Cellular Pathology (20 credits)
  • Haematology and Transfusion Science (20 credits)
  • Human Genetics and Genomics (20 credits)
  • Clinical Immunology (20 credits)
  • Medical Microbiology (20 credits)
  • Sport and Exercise Physiology II (20 credits)
  • Nutrition of Sport and Exercise (20 credits)
  • Applying Cardiac Physiology: Non-Invasive Cardiology (20 credits)

BSc (Hons) Healthcare Science (Cardiac Physiology)

Year 1 (national level 4)

All core modules:

  • Human Physiology (20 credits)
  • Molecular and Cellular Biology (20 credits)
  • Microbes and Host Defences (20 credits)
  • Clinical Practice and Professional Practice for Healthcare Science* (20 credits)
  • Introduction to Cardiovascular Respiratory and Sleep Science (20 credits)
  • Introduction to the Practice of Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Sleep Science (20 credits)
    *Here you will be required to undertake a suitable 10-week work placement in your first year

Year 2 (national level 5)

All core modules:

  • Research and Analytical Skills for Biosciences (20 credits)
  • Instrumentation, Signal Processing and Imaging (20 credits)
  • Pathophysiology of Common Cardiovascular and Respiratory Disease (20 credits)
  • Cardiac Physiology: Electrocardiography (20 credits)
  • Cardiac Physiology: Ambulatory Monitoring and Exercise Electrocardiography (20 credits)
  • Professional Practice and Work-Based Training in Physiological Sciences 1* (20 credits)
    *You will also be required to undertake a suitable 15-week work placement during your second year

Year 3 (national level 6)

All core modules:

  • Professional Practice and Work-Based Training in Physiological Sciences 2* (30 credits)
  • Healthcare Science Research Project (30 credits)
  • Applying Cardiac Physiology: Development and Disease (20 credits)
  • Applying Cardiac Physiology: Patient Centred Care and Provocative Testing (20 credits)
  • Applying Cardiac Physiology: Invasive Cardiology (20 credits)
    * Here you will be required to undertake a suitable 25-week work placement in your final year

BSc (Hons) Healthcare Science (Audiology)

Year 1 (national level 4)

All core modules:

  • Human Physiology (20 credits)
  • Molecular and Cellular Biology (20 credits)
  • Microbes and Host Defences (20 credits)
  • Clinical Practice and Professional Practice for Healthcare Science* (20 credits)
  • Applied Physics and Measurements (20 credits)
  • Applied Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology (20 credits)
    *You will be required to undertake a suitable 10-week work placement in your first year

Year 2 (national level 5)

All core modules:

  • Research and Analytical Skills for Biosciences (20 credits)
  • Applied Physiological Measurement and Instrumentation (20 credits)
  • Processes of Audiological Rehabilitation (20 credits)
  • Pathophysiology of Hearing and Balance (20 credits)
  • Fundamental Principles of Audiological Assessment (20 credits)
  • Professional Practice and Work-Based Training in Physiological Sciences I (20 credits)
    *You will also be required to undertake a suitable 15-week work placement during of your second year

Year 3 (national level 6)

Core modules:

  • Professional Practice and Work-Based Training in Physiological Science 2* (30 credits)
  • Healthcare Science Research Investigation (30 credits)
  • Psycho/Social Aspects of Hearing Loss (30 credits)
  • Advanced Principles of Audiological Assessment (20 credits)
  • Vestibular Assessment (10 credits)
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Career Opportunity

Career Opportunity

NHS salaries for staff working in healthcare science range from around £21,000 to around £80,000 per year. At entry level, the work involves obtaining diagnostic data from patients and working as part of a multidisciplinary team that also includes doctors, nurses and radiographers.

  • BSc (Hons) Physiological Sciences

Employment prospects are very good for Sunderland graduates in subjects allied to medicine.
Potential employers include the NHS, medical research institutions, clinical laboratories, drug companies, molecular biology companies and other organisations where a strong science background is an advantage.

  • BSc (Hons) Healthcare Science (Cardiac Physiology/Audiology)

If you choose this degree you will be well-prepared to apply for roles as a healthcare science practitioner within the NHS, with a specialism in cardiac physiology or audiology.
Our course provides significant amounts of work-based learning, with unpaid placements amounting to 10 weeks in year 1, 15 weeks in year 2 and 25 weeks in year 3.

Ability to settle

Overseas Student Health Cover

Insurance-Single: 300 GBP/year

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