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Are you considering a career in Finance, Accounting or as a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA)? Let us help you achieve your goal. Our Post-Graduate Accounting diploma is designed to enable you gain essential professional skills, strengthen your accounting knowledge and help you stand out from the crowd in the job market.
The Post-Graduate Accounting (PGA) diploma at Selkirk College will give you a solid financial accounting and management background to advance your career in this high-paying field. As a student in our Post-Graduate Accounting diploma program, you will have the opportunity to complete the course requirements for the CPA qualification in a professional and supportive environment, and to learn from qualified and experienced accounting-accredited instructors.
The course content provides you with valuable theoretical in accounting principles, and practical experience to guide you towards accreditation as a Chartered Professional Accountant.
Course of Studies
Course Descriptions
Insurance/year: 500 CAD/per year