To apply for this degree you must have experience (voluntary or paid) in a social care setting. You can include placements which you have undertaken as part of college, but we do expect more experience than this. Experience could include volunteering during weekends, evenings, or holidays. We may also consider any relevant personal experience you might have.
You should clearly describe your experience in the personal statement section of your application and show how this relates to a career in social work.
Social work involves working with some of the most vulnerable people in society, and social work education is regulated by Social Work England. We must therefore be satisfied that you are 'fit to practise' before we can accept you onto this degree course.
In addition to the academic qualification and work experience, you will need:
As a social worker you will be making a real difference to some of the most marginalised and at-risk people in society. You could work in child protection, with young people in care, older people, people with learning disabilities, physical disabilities, mental health difficulties, homeless people, people with drug dependencies, or with any other group of people with specialist needs. As you help people access essential social services, your interventions can literally be the difference between life and death for extremely vulnerable people.
MA Social Work combines classroom learning and practical experience. You will study the context of social work, legal and policy frameworks, social work theory, psychological and sociological theory, power, discrimination and anti-oppressive practice. You will consolidate this theoretical knowledge with two placements, to put your learning into practice.
More info: Click here
Modules on this course include:
Explore legal frameworks and policy contexts for social work with adults, children, young people and families.
Develop practice skills, explore the role and value base of social work, and understand service user and carer perspectives.
Critically examine relevant theories, including social and psychological theories, and explore models of intervention.
70-day practice placement, to be arranged by our Practice Learning Coordinator.
Critically evaluate the process of decision-making in social work practice. Examine how legislation, social policy, theory and reflexivity combine to inform the complex decisions needed in social work practice.
Explore research methodologies and methods and their relevance to social work research.
Through researching and writing up a dissertation you will develop specialist knowledge around a specific issue relevant to social work and develop your understanding of research methodologies and methods.
100-day practice placement, to be arranged by our Practice Learning Coordinator.
Insurance-Single: 300 GBP/year