Attend courses that bridge between development and design
Build substantial expertise in both development and design
Learn how to communicate effectively via the web while using many of today’s most in-demand programming technologies
Learn advanced uses of foundational web technologies, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and WordPress
Design for optimal user experiences on the web and for mobile devices
Learn how to program in the Swift and Java programming languages
Use Xcode and Android Studio IDEs to develop real smartphone apps
Practice project management principles in real projects
Use workflows and applications employed in the software development industry
Develop capstone projects that highlight your skills in design and development
More Info: click here
Design Stream
Year 1
DGL-101 Digital Culture
DGL-102 Graphic Design Foundations
DGL-103 HTML and CSS
DGL-111 User Experience and Interface Design
DGL-112 Typography
DGL-113 Introduction to JavaScript
FIN-110 Drawing & 2-Dimensional Language I
FIN-247 Introduction to Digital Photography
plus one elective totalling 3 credits*
plus one English course from the following:
ENG-104 Foundations of Academic Writing
ENG-107 Introduction to Creative Writing: Fiction & Non-Fiction
ENG-108 Introduction to Creative Writing: Poetry & Drama
ENG-115 Essay Writing and Critical Analysis or ENG-116 Essay Writing and Indigenous Perspectives
ENG-122 Reading Literature
ENG-127 Indigenous Literatures in Canada
ENG-160 Effective Organizational Writing
Year 2
DGL-202 Graphic Design and Branding
DGL-203 Advanced CSS
DGL-209 Capstone Project
DGL-211 Project Management for Digital Communications
DGL-221 Introduction to Social Media
DGL-222 Advanced Topics in Design
plus one course from the following list:
BUS-152 Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management
BUS-162 Principles of Marketing
plus three electives totalling 9 credits*
Year 3
DGL-123 Introduction to PHP
DGL-223 Content Management Systems
DGL-309 Advanced Capstone Project
FIN-200 Video and Sound 1
plus one course from the following list:
FIN-201 Video and Sound 2
FIN-217 Screen Printing
plus one English course totalling 3 credits at 100-level or above*
plus three electives totalling 9 credits*
*Note: Electives and choice of English may be chosen from any 100 level or higher courses that transfer to a BC degree granting institution. At least three electives must be at the 200 level or higher.
Development Stream
Year 1
DGL-101 Digital Culture
DGL-102 Graphic Design Foundations
DGL-103 HTML and CSS
DGL-104 Application Development Foundations
DGL-111 User Experience and Interface Design
DGL-113 Introduction to JavaScript
DGL-114 Introduction to Mobile App Development
CPS-100 Computer Programming I
plus one elective totalling 3 credits*
plus one English course from the following:
ENG-104 Foundations of Academic Writing
ENG-107 Introduction to Creative Writing: Fiction & Non-Fiction
ENG-108 Introduction to Creative Writing: Poetry & Drama
ENG-115 Essay Writing and Critical Analysis or ENG-116 Essay Writing and Indigenous Perspectives
ENG-122 Reading Literature
ENG-127 Indigenous Literatures in Canada
ENG-160 Effective Organizational Writing
Year 2
DGL-112 Typography
DGL-123 Introduction to PHP
DGL-203 Advanced CSS
DGL-209 Capstone Project
DGL-211 Project Management for Digital Communications
DGL-223 Content Management Systems
CPS-146 Database Fundamentals
plus three electives totalling 9 credits*
Year 3
DGL-204 Introduction to Programming in Swift
DGL-213 Applied JavaScript
DGL-214 iOS Application Development
DGL-221 Introduction to Social Media
DGL-309 Advanced Capstone Project
plus one course from the following list:
BUS-152 Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management
BUS-162 Principles of Marketing
plus one English course totalling 3 credits at 100-level or above*
plus two electives totalling 6 credits*
*Note: Electives and choice of English may be chosen from any 100 level or higher courses that transfer to a BC degree granting institution. At least three electives must be at the 200 level or higher.
Completion Requirements
This program is designed to be completed within three years of full-time study. To complete this program students must successfully complete all required courses within eight years.
Graduates of this program are well-equipped to pursue employment in the fields of communication design, graphic design, illustration, concept art, interaction design, user experience design, front-end web development, back-end web development, full-stack development, iOS and Android application development, games development, and more generalized computer programming careers. Graduates may also choose to continue their studies by pursue the completion of a Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design via third-year transfer to Vancouver Island University’s Graphic Design program.