General Requirements
First-Year Seminars (when applicable)1
Vocational/Technical Credit
Core Curriculum Program
Professional Track Curriculum
Electives as needed to fulfill university graduation minimum requirements,
Total Credit Hours, 69-113
General Requirements
1, Full-time, first time in college students are required to take the first-year seminars.
First-Year Seminar I (1 sch)
First-Year Seminar II (1 sch)
Program Requirements
Code, Title
Full-time, First-year Students
First-Year Seminar I
First-Year Seminar II
Vocational/Technical Credit
Transfer of Vocational/Technical credit hours
Core Curriculum Program
University Core Curriculum
Professional Track Curriculum
Select one of the following Tracks:
Applied Leadership
Early Childhood Education
Community and Mental Health
Criminal Justice
Environmental & Occupational Safety/Emergency Response
Information Technology
Legal Studies
Technical Communication
University Electives,
Select electives with BAAS Advisor to meet minimum of 120 hours 1,
Total Hours, 71-113
Course List
1, Students must consult with the BAAS Advisor to select appropriate electives to meet graduation requirements. All BAAS students must earn a minimum of 120 semester credit hours, 36 of which are upper-division courses taken at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi.
*, Online offering
^, Blended offering