Program Requirements
Full-time, First-year Students
First-Year Seminar I *
First-Year Seminar II *
Core Curriculum Program
University Core Curriculum 1
ATSC majors are required to take: 2
Calculus I
University Physics I
University Physics II
Atmospheric Sciences Core Courses
Introduction to Meteorology
Weather Observations
Introduction of Data Analysis in Atmospheric Sciences
Physical Meteorology
Atmospheric Thermodynamics
Synoptic Meteorology
Mesoscale Meteorology
Dynamic Meteorology I
Remote Sensing
General Chemistry I *
Climate and Climate Variability
Calculus II
Linear Algebra
Differential Equations
Calculus III
Physical Oceanography
Statistical Modeling and Data Analysis
Career Tracks in Atmospheric Sciences
Select one of the following Tracks:
Atmospheric Sciences Track,
Broadcast Meteorology Track,
Total Hours, 122