* Visa Application fee, Registration fee, Health & Accident Insurance, Student Activities fee, Technology fee - Internet use, tudent Guarantee (one-off/refundable payment)
The general admission requirement for entry to the undergraduate programme of study is a High School Leaving Certificate or equivalent qualification.
Regular Academic Admission
Regular admission to academic programmes requires a recognised High School Leaving Certificate with a grade of 7.5 out of 10 or 15 out of 20 or a rank in the top 50%, or equivalent qualifications.
Special Academic Admission
This category of admission may be offered to students who possess a High School Leaving Certificate but who do not have the stipulated grades or other requirements for regular admission.
English Language Proficiency
Students may be required to take NEPTON, UNIC’s English Placement Test at no charge, before registering for classes, unless they have passed an internationally recognized English examination which indicates their level of English proficiency.
Students with the following English qualifications will register directly for their academic programme of study:
Language of Instruction: English (First and second year courses offered also in Greek)
More information: Click here
Graduates of the programme can be employed as online programme directors, social media strategists or public relations officers, reporters and producers in the mass media such as newspapers and magazines, public relations and advertising agencies, and state and private radio and TV channels. This programme will also prepare students to embark on careers in political communication and research and consultancy.