Prerequisites: English, English as an Additional Language, Literature or English & Literature Extension (Units 3&4, C)
English language requirements apply to International applicants and other applicants whose previous study was undertaken in a language other than English. The minimum English language requirements for such applicants for entry to this program are as follows:
A minimum overall band score of 7.0 on IELTS (Academic) with no sub-score of less than 6.5
OR a minimum score of 580 on TOEFL
OR an internet-based (iBT) TOEFL score of 92 (no score less than 22)
OR no score less than 4 in each skill of the ISLPR (conducted by ISLPR Language Services only)
OR a minimum overall score of 185 (no score less than 176) on C2 Proficiency (formerly Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English)
English test results must be no more than two years old.
This degree includes advanced coursework in the exercise sciences, combined with a minimum of 500 hours of professional practice. You'll be prepared for work in a range of professional areas as a dual-accredited Exercise Scientist and Exercise Physiologist. Your deeper knowledge of the human body and how exercise affects it will enable you to assess, design and deliver exercise-based programs that improve health and performance, prevent chronic conditions, and treat or manage a range of health conditions.
More Info: Click here
Year 1
You must complete the following courses:
Foundations of Exercise and Sports Science - 1001AHS
Cells, Tissues and Regulation - 1014MSC
Anatomy and Physiology Systems I - 1016MSC
Introduction to Psychology 1 - 1001PSY
Introductory Biomechanics - 1008AHS
Foundations of Exercise and Sports Science II - 1003AHS
Anatomy and Physiology Systems II - 1017MSC
Health Challenges for the 21st Century - 1205MED
Year 2
You must complete the following courses:
Exercise, Health and Disease - 2004AHS
Neural Basis of Movement - 2006AHS
Musculoskeletal Biomechanics - 2007AHS
Musculoskeletal Anatomy - 2010AHS
Physiology of Exercise - 2001AHS
Motor Learning and Control - 2009AHS
Research Methods and Statistics - 2013AHS
Free-choice elective
Year 3
You must complete the following courses:
Clinical Exercise Testing - 3004AHS
Exercise Programming and Prescription I - 3005AHS
Exercise and Sport Psychology - 3009AHS
Exercise Science Practicum - 3006AHS (see Note 1)
Clinical Pharmacology for Allied Health - 2011PHM
Neuromuscular Pathophysiology - 3601AHS
Exercise Programming and Prescription II - 3013AHS
Exercise Sports Nutrition - 3138AHS
Note 1: Students must undertake 3006AHS in Year 2/Trimester 3 or Year 3/Trimester 1.
Exit point: Students may elect to exit this program with the Bachelor of Exercise Science after successfully completing 240 credit points as outlined above for the first three years of this program.
Year 4
You must complete the following courses:
Exercise for Clinical Populations I - 4601AHS
Exercise for Clinical Populations II - 4602AHS
Professional Practice in Exercise Physiology I - 4603AHS
Professional Practice in Exercise Physiology II - 4604AHS
Professional Practice in Exercise Physiology III - 4605AHS
Exercise Physiology Practicum - 4606AHS
Free-choice electives
You may select free-choice electives from the list below or any Undergraduate free-choice elective/s offered across the University provided prerequisites are met. If you require guidance please liaise with your Program Director.
Business Decision-Making - 1008GBS
Sport Management Principles - 2309THS
Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship - 2043IBA
Self-Marketing - 3029MKT
Innovation and Entrepreneurship - 3608QCA
Athlete Management Principles - 2220THS (not offered in 2021)
Sport Marketing - 3323THS
Essential Skills for the New Health Professional - 3025MSC
Fitness Practicum I - 3011AHS
Fitness Practicum II - 3012AHS
Students who graduate from this program will be prepared to work in the fields of Exercise Science and Exercise Physiology.
Exercise Scientists can gain employment in the fields of: community recreation, fitness or sports; clinical measurements in the field of cardiac; respiratory and sleep medicine; rehabilitation, sports or recreation management; strength and conditioning; or occupational health and safety.
Accredited Exercise Physiologists are allied health professionals equipped with the knowledge, skills and competencies to design, deliver and evaluate safe and effective exercise interventions for people with acute, sub-acute or chronic medical conditions, injuries or disabilities. Pathology domains covered by the services of Accredited Exercise Physiologists include cardiovascular, metabolic, neurological, musculoskeletal, cancers, kidney, respiratory/pulmonary and mental health, and any other conditions for which there is evidence that exercise can improve the client's clinical status.
OSHC: 609 ($) AUD per year