IELTS overall minimum - 6.0
IELTS section minimum - 6.0
This combined degree program provides students with the opportunity to increase the depth and breadth of their study in relevant disciplines within Commerce and Business Analytics whilst completing two awards over four years of full-time study or part-time equivalent.
A combined degree program enhances the academic and professional qualities gained in each separate degree. At the same time, it recognises the increasing need for students to graduate with multidisciplinary skills.
CRICOS code: 102643E
More Info: click here
Core courses
Accounting for Decision Makers
Accounting Practice
Introduction to Finance
Introduction to Business Information Systems
Microeconomics for Business Decisions
Macroeconomics in the Global Economy
Foundations of Law
Foundations of Marketing
Introduction to Management
Business Decision Making
Big Data Analytics
Data Visualisation for Decision Makers in Business
Predictive Analytics
OSHC: 629 ($) AUD per year