The University's Bachelor Honours Degree (AQF Level 8) Policy will apply.
Students who have completed Years 1, 2 and 3 of the Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (1355) are eligible to apply for admission to this program. Students in this program will undertake the 40 credit point dissertation in Year 4, as determined by the Program Director and subject to the following criteria:
The Program Director will take the following into consideration when assessing applications for admission:
English Requirements
English language requirements apply to International applicants and other applicants whose previous study was undertaken in a language other than English. The minimum English language requirements for such applicants for entry to this program are as follows:
A minimum overall band score of 7.0 on IELTS (Academic) with no sub-score of less than 6.5
OR a minimum score of 580 on TOEFL
OR an internet-based (iBT) TOEFL score of 92 (no score less than 22)
OR no score less than 4 in each skill of the ISLPR (conducted by ISLPR Language Services only)
OR a minimum overall score of 185 (no score less than 176) on C2 Proficiency (formerly Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English)
English test results must be no more than two years old.
The study of nutrition and dietetics focuses on the food we eat in relation to the treatment and prevention of a range of important diseases. Students in this program will initially study fundamental health sciences (e.g. anatomy, physiology, biochemistry) before completing more advanced study of human nutrition. The final stage of the program involves practicum placements in hospitals and other health facilities. This program prepares students at the appropriate tertiary level to meet Dietitians Australia, national competency standards for entry into the profession as a dietitian. Students who graduate from this program will be able establish careers in either clinical, public health or food service nutrition. Increased graduate opportunities exist for private practitioners with the recent introduction of Medicare items for services provided to patients with chronic disease and within the corporate nutrition sector.
This program is available to students who have met the specified progression requirements to undertake Honours.
More Info: Click here
Year 1
You must complete the following courses:
Chemistry of Biological Systems I - 1001MSC
Cells, Tissues and Regulation - 1014MSC
Anatomy and Physiology Systems I - 1016MSC
Food, Society and the Nutrition Workforce - 1206AHS
Genes and Disease - 1005MSC
Chemistry of Biological Systems II - 1015MSC
Anatomy and Physiology Systems II - 1017MSC
Health Challenges for the 21st Century - 1205MED
Year 2
You must complete the following courses:
Integrated Systems Physiology - 2012AHS
Structural Biochemistry - 2008MSC
Nutrition - 2210AHS
Interpersonal Skills - 1008PSY
Interpersonal Skills - 1008HSV
Food Science - 2220AHS
Metabolism - 2011MSC
Needs Assessment, Program Planning and Evaluation - 2218MED
Pathophysiology - 2002MSC
Year 3
You must complete the following courses:
Medical Nutrition Therapy 1 - 3101AHS
Nutrition Education - 3104AHS
Food Service Management - 3144AHS
Public Health Research Methods - 2214MED
Pharmacology - 3002MSC
Pharmacology - 2018PHM
Community and Public Health Nutrition - 3103AHS
Medical Nutrition Therapy 2 - 3102AHS
Communication and Counselling in Dietetics - 3100AHS
Exit point: Students who have completed the prescribed core courses in Years 1-3 have the option to exit with the Bachelor of Nutrition (1553). Students who have completed the prescribed core courses in Years 1-3 but do not wish to undertake (or are unable to successfully complete) the practicum component in Year 4 have the option to transfer to the Bachelor of Nutrition (Honours) (1549).
To exit, you should apply for a program transfer.
Year 4
You must complete the 40 credit point professional practice placement (in either Trimester 1 or 2) and choose the 40 credit point Honours dissertation in the remaining trimester
You will need to be available for the professional practice placement for five full days for 20 weeks when undertaking Professional Practice courses in either Trimester 1 or 2 in their final year. All Professional Practice courses are co-requisites and you must enrol in all courses in the trimester in which you undertake placement.
You must complete the following courses:
Medical Nutrition Therapy Practicum - 4110AHS (capstone course)
Food Service Management Practicum - 4111AHS (capstone course)
Community and Public Health Nutrition Practicum - 4112AHS (capstone course)
Honours Dissertation - 6001AHS_P1
Honours Dissertation - 6001AHS_P2
The courses listed below are designated for the purposes of the University policy on Academic Standing, Progression and Exclusion. A student who fails a designated course will be subject to review by the Health Assessment Board and may be excluded from the program.
Medical Nutrition Therapy 1 - 3101AHS
Food Service Management - 3144AHS
Nutrition Education - 3104AHS
Medical Nutrition Therapy Practicum - 4110AHS
Food Service Management Practicum - 4111AHS
Community and Public Health Nutrition Practicum - 4112AHS
Medical Nutrition Therapy 2 - 3102AHS
Community and Public Health Nutrition - 3103AHS
Communication and Counselling in Dietetics - 3100AHS
You will be well positioned to work as a dietitian/nutritionist in private and public hospitals, community health services, health promotion and public health units and/or in private practice, health service management and the food and pharmaceutical industries.
OSHC: 609 ($) AUD per year