Most academic departments will ask for an IELTS score of 6.0 (or equivalent) for undergraduate degrees but there are exceptions and you should always check with the individual departments, or check the conditions included in your offer letter.
A-levels/Welsh Baccalaureate: AAB-ABB. Biology essential plus at least one other STEM subject*
IB: 33. Higher Level Biology essential plus one other STEM subject* both at Grade 6 or above
BTEC: Typically D*D*D with a strong Biology profile
As well as one of the above qualification types all applicants are required:
GCSE: English and Maths minimum Grade C Wales (England Pre-2017) or Grade 4 (England Post-2017)
We accept Swansea University approved equivalent qualifications.
Typical Offer AAB - ABB (to include Biology and one other STEM subject)
*STEM subjects accepted include Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Psychology
Gain a thorough grounding in the science underpinning medicine with our new BSc in Applied Medical Sciences.
You will study a comprehensive range of topics, including human anatomy and physiology, cell biology, genetics, pharmacology, and neuroscience, together with their clinical and applied relevance.
You will develop an in-depth understanding of how the human body works, what happens when it goes wrong, how we currently treat disorders, and the potential for novel therapeutics.
This course provides a comprehensive grounding relevant to careers in lab research, medicine and commercial enterprise in the life sciences. We have 3 Employability strands to choose from in your second year (subject to eligibility): Medical Science in Practice, Enterprise and Innovation, and Medical Science in Research.
More info: Click here
With a strong entrepreneurial and innovation slant, our BSc in Applied Medical Sciences is ideal if you are interested in a career in emerging science, product development, pharmaceuticals, or biotechnology.
It also provides an excellent base for graduate entry into more clinically focused studies, including medicine or post-graduate research.
Insurance - Single: 500 GBP (£)