* Sách, phí dịch vụ sinh viên
Ontario Việt Nam Xếp loại Việt Nam Tương đương
90-100% 10 Xuất sắc A+
80-89% 9 Giỏi A
74.6-79% 8 Hài lòng B+
70-74.5% 7 Đạt yêu cầu tối thiểu B-
67-69% 6.5-6.9 Vượt qua tốt C+
63-66% 6 Vượt qua C
60-62% 5 Vượt qua tối thiểu C-
54.6-59% 4 Trượt D
50-54.5 3 Trượt D-
25-49% 2 Trượt F
0-25% 1, 0 Trượt F
Yêu cầu tối thiểu
Chương trình Lịch sử của Laurier được thiết kế với nhiều cơ hội để sinh viên nâng cao khả năng tiếp thu kiến thức và kỹ năng lịch sử thông qua một chương trình giảng dạy nghiêm ngặt bao gồm việc học trên lớp truyền thống thông qua các bài giảng và thảo luận hội thảo và đào tạo thực hành để trở thành một nhà sử học.
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Course Offerings
The underlying idea in a first-year courses is to introduce you to the persons, events, ideas and forces which have shaped history and which should form part of the cultural literacy of every educated person.
Discover the transnational spread of trade and philosophy in HI121: Ancient History in a Global Context and the origins of the War on Terror in HI199: The Roots of Now: Modern World History. In HI133: History and Popular Culture in the Modern World, study the development and meaning of British pub culture or Rastafarian music. While trying to solve five historic mysteries, students are exposed to historic evidence and research methods in HI124: History Detectives.
By second year, the majority of courses focus on the history of one region or population group, such as the rise of Nazism in HI257: Germany’s Descent into Catastrophe or the consequences of colonialism in HI292: Canada to Confederation.
Courses may also focus on a specific topic such as HI256: History of Human Rights or the way history is told via cinema in HI260: History on Film.
These courses are each designed to advance your foundational knowledge of history and give them opportunities to practice historic analysis, writing and research.
Third-year courses offer greater specialization and depth of topics, regions or eras. Learn about Jack the Ripper in HI393: Crime, Sex, and Scandal in 19th-Century Britain or the origins of Karate in HI393: Popular Cultures of Contemporary East Asia.
In addition to pursuing primary source research, senior students also focus more on the craft of history and scholarly debates in the discipline.
The crowning experience of the honours History program is the fourth-year seminars. In these learner-centered courses, you take responsibility for preparing your weekly readings for class discussion and for researching your primary-research papers, thereby empowering yourself through independent study.
You'll hone your skills of oral and written expression by sharing your ideas and writing with other seminar participants.
The instructors guide you in your exploration of historiography and in your research in primary documents. These are skills which will prove extremely useful to you well beyond the classroom setting.
The topic of the seminar rotates based on faculty availability. Recent seminars included:
Indigenous North America
Chinese Revolutions
War and Memory
British Imperialism and Culture
Bảo hiểm y tế $ 624 mỗi năm