International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB programme)
Fachabitur or Abitur (Fachhochschulreife or Allgemeine Hochschulreife)
Since every country has its own school system we will check your diploma once we have received it from you. In this way we can compare it to the required Dutch standards.
General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) and General Certificate of Education (GCE). Requirements: at least 6 different exam subjects in total. Minimum for the examined subjects is 4 GCSE subjects with grades A*, A, B or C and 2 GCE subjects Advanced Subsidiary Level (A,B or C) or 2 subjects Advanced Level (D-E). Preferably English and mathematics.
Any equivalent education (to be compared by our institution)
IELTS, 6.0
TOEFL paper, 550
TOEFL computer, 213
TOEFL internet, 79/80
TOEIC*, 670
Cambridge ESOL, CAE-C
IB is a wide-ranging business-based study programme covering all the departments of a company: from general management to human resources and from marketing to finance. The study programme aims to prepare you for a management position within an international business environment.
During the course of the programme, you will consider all aspects of international business. In particular, you will learn skills that are highly relevant to today’s workplace.
Market research and preparing a market entry decision.
Management of multiple project types.
Thinking critically about the challenges that face companies and elaborating possible solutions.
Drawing up business plans.
Working in a diverse and multicultural environment.
Dealing with processes of change.
Following graduation, you will be qualified to head up a company, manage one of its many departments or start up your own business.
More info: click here
As an International Business graduate you have excellent opportunities in internationally operating companies. These can either be multinationals or international companies in any exciting place in the world.
The programme has a broad scope, which offers you a wide range of professional perspectives. Our alumni work in different fields:
Business and Management
International Marketing
Export Marketing
International Account Management
International Project Management
Global Product Management
Operations Management
Yet, the IB programme also prepares you to set up your own business. So as an IB graduate you have a wide range of possibilities!
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