The admissions process will be in conjunction with other courses of the Chemical Sciences suite.
Applications for this course are considered on a case-by-case basis but typical entry requirements for the Chemistry (Top-up) BSc(Hons) are:
International entry will normally proceed through formal progression agreements with overseas partner institutions.
Information for the partner institutions: For entry, the student should have been performing at a 1st class level (exact qualifying grades to be determined through liaison with departmental admissions tutors, International Office and partner institution) in their prior undergraduate studies where credit equivalent to Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE) or Higher National Diploma (HND) (equivalent of 120 F-level and 120 I-level credits) and they will be at least 18 years of age by 31st December of the year of entry.
More info: Click here
Core Modules
Optional modules -
if your first language is not English you must take the following module
and choose two from
If your first language is English you will be taking
Insurance-Single: 300 GBP/year