The Master of Spatial Analysis for Public Health (MSAPH) combines expertise on public health issues with GIS technologies. Spatial health data is fundamental to assess hazards from environmental exposure, and the impact of health intervention towards the well-being of communities.
Geospatial analysts can use spatial data to determine important health demographics such as disease causation and spread prevention, disaster risk factors, genetic disease likelihood, physical and mental behavioural trends, and economic affect. These issues are on the rise and experts are needed globally.
More info: Click here
Compulsory courses
GISC 402 GI Science Research
GISC 404 Spatial Analysis
GISC 411 Spatial Analytics for Health
HLTH 402 Health Information Management
HLTH 462 Health Intervention Research Methods
STAT 447 Official Statistics
STAT 448 Big Data
GEOG 694 Community or Workplace Based Project (60 points)
Pathways include:
Graduates with geospatial science and health analytical skills will find themselves well-suited to work as spatial analysts, health policy makers, GIS software developers, environmental health officers, statisticians, and administrators in health research groups, DHBs, health ministries, and other public health sector organisations.
Insurance/year: 600 NZD/per year