Là một giáo viên tiểu học, bạn sẽ có sự nghiệp sáng tạo, thử thách và bổ ích, giúp đỡ và truyền cảm hứng cho trẻ phát triển các kỹ năng quan trọng suốt đời. Bạn sẽ trở nên thành thạo trong việc quản lý sự đa dạng xã hội, văn hóa và sự phát triển. Bạn có thể chọn các lĩnh vực chủ đề bằng tiếng Anh, toán học, giáo dục sức khỏe và thể chất, giáo dục bản địa, ngôn ngữ (tiếng Tây Ban Nha hoặc tiếng Ý), khoa học và công nghệ, giáo dục tôn giáo và nghệ thuật. Các môn học này cho phép phát triển kiến thức sâu và giảng dạy trên lớp đạt hiệu quả cao. Khi chọn các đơn vị giáo dục tôn giáo và / hoặc thần học, bạn sẽ đủ điều kiện để giảng dạy trong các trường Công giáo và các trường dựa trên đức tin khác.
Xa Cơ sở học tập (Strathfield): Nếu bạn là người gốc Thổ dân và Cư dân trên eo biển Torres, bạn có thể đủ điều kiện để tham gia chương trình học xa so với cơ sở sau cuộc phỏng vấn với điều phối viên khóa học và nhân viên ngành học Giáo dục Đại học Bản địa.
Mã CRICOS: 040836B
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Part A : Education Studies Units
Complete exactly 60 credit points from the following:
EDES100, Understanding Learning and Teaching, 10,
EDES101, Educational Thought, 10,
EDES103, Understanding Learners and Their Contexts, 10,
EDES104, Digital Cultures and Capabilities, 10,
EDES105, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Knowledges, Histories and Cultures, 10,
EDES302, Professional Communication, 10,
Part B : Effective Teaching Units
Complete exactly 60 credit points from the following:
EDET100, Effective Teaching 1: Becoming a Teacher, 10,
EDET101, Effective Teaching 2: Curriculum, Planning and Pedagogy, 10,
EDET200, Effective Teaching 3: Engaging Learners and Managing Learning Environments, 10,
EDET300, Effective Teaching 4: Diverse Learning and Inclusive Education, 10,
EDET400, Effective Teaching 5: Assessment and Data Informed Practice, 10,
EDET401, Effective Teaching 6: Professional Engagement and Reflection, 10,
Part C : Primary Curriculum and Discipline Studies
Complete exactly 110 credit points from the following:
EDAR290, The Arts Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment F 6, 10,
EDEN100, Foundations of Literacy, 10,
EDEN102, Children's Literature for Early Reading, 10,
EDEN290, English Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment 1 (B-8), 10,
EDEN291, English Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment 2 (8-12), 10,
EDHP290, Health and Physical Education Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment (F-6), 10,
EDMA290, Mathematics Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment 1 (B-12), 10,
EDMA291, Mathematics Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment 2 (F-6), 10,
EDSS290, Humanities and Social Sciences Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment (F-6), 10,
EDSI290, Science Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment (B-12), 10,
EDTE290, Technologies Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment (F-6), 10,
Part D : English
Complete exactly 40 credit points from the following:
EDEN345, Literacy and Diversity Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment, 10,
EDEN410, Critical Issues in Literacy Education, 10,
EDAR295, Creative Arts with Children, 10,
EDSI100, Science in Our World, 10,
ENGL111, Literature Across Time and Space, 10,
NMBR140, Introduction to Mathematical Thinking, 10,
EDHP310, Health Studies and Movement Education, 10,
ENGL234, The Literature of Other Worlds: Fantasy and Science Fiction, 10,
Part E : Mathematics
Complete exactly 40 credit points from the following:
NMBR141, Number Development in Mathematics, 10,
NMBR142, Geometry and Measurement in Mathematics, 10,
EDMA311, Intervention in Numeracy, 10,
EDMA426, Leading Mathematics Education, 10,
Part F : Primary Extension
Complete exactly 40 credit points from the following:
EDSI100, Science in Our World, 10, If already completed replace from list of electives or approved unit from a primary specialisation
NMBR140, Introduction to Mathematical Thinking, 10, If already completed replace from list of electives or approved unit from a primary specialisation
EDES300, Comparative Education: Local and Global Contexts, 10,
AND one unit (10 cp) from other Specialisations/Electives
Part G : Indigenous Education
Complete exactly 40 credit points from the following:
EDAB113, Australian Aboriginal Peoples, Cultures and Identities, 10,
EDAB203, Embedding Aboriginal Perspectives Across Curriculum: Contextualising Aboriginal Knowings, 10,
EDEN345, Literacy and Diversity Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment, 10,
NMBR143, Introduction to Mathematical Ideas, 10,
For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples only.
Part H : Religious Education
Part H.1 : Catholic Schools
Complete exactly 40 credit points from the following:
EDRE101, Religious Education 1: Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment, 10,
THBS100, Introduction to the Bible, 10,
THCT100, What Christians Believe, 10,
THCT202, Christian Symbol, Ritual and Sacrament, 10,
Part H.2 : Anglican Strand (Queensland only)
Complete exactly 40 credit points from the following:
EDRE101, Religious Education 1: Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment, 10,
THCT100, What Christians Believe, 10,
AND two units to be completed cross-institutionally through St Francis Theological College or Charles Sturt University.
Part H.3 : Lutheran Strand - *Lutheran strand units are offered by the Australian Lutheran College through ACU.
Complete exactly 40 credit points from the following:
*BS1003l (10cp) Exploring the Bible; *CT1002L (10cp) The Christian Faith; *DE3012L (10cp) The Practice of Lutheran Education; *DE2007L (10cp) Principles and Context of Lutheran Schooling
Part I : The Arts
Part I.1 : Complete exactly 20 credit points from the following:
Code, Title, Credit Points, Notes
EDAR295, Creative Arts with Children, 10,
EDAR430, Leadership and Professional Practice in Arts Education, 10,
Part I.2 : Complete exactly 20 credit points from the following:
EDAR310, Dance and Drama Education, 10,
EDAR311, Music Education, 10,
EDAR312, Visual and Media Arts Education, 10,
Part J : Primary Subject Specialisation Units - Languages*
Part J.1 : *Italian
Complete exactly 80 credit points from the following:
ITAN101, Introductory Italian, 10,
ITAN102, Elementary Italian A, 10,
ITAN103, Elementary Italian B, 10,
ITAN201, Intermediate Italian A, 10,
ITAN202, Intermediate Italian B, 10,
EDLA290, General Language Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment, 10,
EDLA291, Italian Language Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment, 10,
EDES300, Comparative Education: Local and Global Contexts, 10,
Part J.2 : *Spanish
Complete exactly 80 credit points from the following:
SPAN101, Introductory Spanish, 10,
SPAN102, Elementary Spanish A, 10,
SPAN103, Elementary Spanish B, 10,
SPAN201, Intermediate Spanish A, 10,
SPAN202, Intermediate Spanish B, 10,
EDLA290, General Language Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment, 10,
EDLA292, Spanish Language Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment, 10,
EDES300, Comparative Education: Local and Global Contexts, 10,
Part K : Health and Physical Education
Part K.1 : Complete exactly 10 credit points from the following:
EXSC106, Social and Emotional Wellbeing of Young People, 10, only available to NSW students
NUTR101, Introduction to Nutrition, 10,
Part K.2 : Complete exactly 20 credit points from the following:
EDHP310, Health Studies and Movement Education, 10,
EDHP311, Recreation and Outdoor Education in Primary School, 10,
EDHP312, Adapted Physical Education, 10,
EDHP313, Health, Wellbeing and Physical Education in Early Childhood, 10,
Part K.3 : Complete exactly 10 credit points from the following:
EDHP400, Health and Physical Education Extension Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment, 10,
Part L : Science
Complete exactly 40 credit points from the following:
EDSI100, Science in Our World, 10,
EDSI410, Educating for a Sustainable Future, 10,
EDSI411, Teaching Science as a Human Endeavour, 10,
EDSI412, Alternative Science Conceptions: What, Why and How, 10,
Part M : Science and Technologies
Complete exactly 40 credit points from the following:
EDSI100, Science in Our World, 10,
EDSI410, Educating for a Sustainable Future, 10,
EDSI413, Educating for STEM, 10,
EDTE410, Technologies Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment Extension (F-6), 10,
Part N : Core Curriculum Units
Complete exactly 10 credit points from the following:
UNCC300, Justice and Change in a Global World, 10,
PHCC320, The Just Society, 10,
Part O : Literacy and Numeracy Test
Complete exactly 2 of the following:
LNTE110, Literacy and Numeracy Diagnostic,
LNTE111, Literacy and Numeracy Test,
Sinh viên tốt nghiệp của chúng tôi theo đuổi sự nghiệp trong:
giáo dục tiểu học
chính sách phát triển
giáo dục trung tâm cộng đồng
trường cao đẳng tư thục
cơ sở giáo dục hòa nhập
giáo dục người lớn
vai trò giáo dục và đào tạo trong các lĩnh vực khác - ví dụ: vườn thú
cơ sở cải chính, cải huấn cho thanh niên hoặc người lớn
nghiên cứu
giáo dục đặc biệt
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