Bằng cấp trung học quốc tế được công nhận
Bạn bước vào lớp học của chúng tôi để có các kỹ năng trở thành nhà lãnh đạo theo đúng nghĩa. Bạn sẽ tốt nghiệp với hai lĩnh vực giảng dạy và với sự tự tin, kỹ năng và kinh nghiệm thực tế để giảng dạy trong tất cả các giai đoạn của trường trung học. Các lĩnh vực giảng dạy này cho phép phát triển kiến thức sâu sắc và giảng dạy trên lớp đạt hiệu quả cao. Các nghiên cứu có thể được mở rộng kết hợp khóa học này với các bằng cấp khác cho phép bạn tốt nghiệp với các lựa chọn nghề nghiệp đa dạng.
Kinh nghiệm chuyên nghiệp
Bạn sẽ phải hoàn thành 80 ngày. Năm 1: Sự tham gia của cộng đồng trong môi trường giáo dục, tối thiểu 35 giờ. Năm 2: 10 ngày, 15 ngày. Năm 3: 20 ngày. Năm 4: 5 ngày, 30 ngày.
Nơi làm việc
Tất cả các chương trình giáo dục ban đầu của giáo viên phải bao gồm một khoảng thời gian kinh nghiệm chuyên môn xác định, trong đó giáo viên tiền công tác thực hành giảng dạy trong trường học dưới sự giám sát và hướng dẫn trực tiếp của một giáo viên có trình độ phù hợp.
Kinh nghiệm chuyên môn được giám sát là trọng tâm của tất cả các khóa học đào tạo giáo viên trước khi phục vụ của chúng tôi và giảng viên sẽ tìm các vị trí thích hợp để phù hợp với nhu cầu của khóa học của bạn.
Công nhận chuyên nghiệp
Sinh viên tốt nghiệp đủ điều kiện đăng ký làm giáo viên trung học trong các trường chính phủ, độc lập, Công giáo và các trường dựa trên đức tin khác. Chương trình này đang chờ được công nhận. Sau khi được công nhận, chương trình sẽ đáp ứng học phần giáo dục giáo viên của các yêu cầu về trình độ để đăng ký ở tất cả các tiểu bang và vùng lãnh thổ.
Mã CRICOS: 0102077
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Part A : Education Studies Units
Complete exactly 60 credit points from the following:
EDES100, Understanding Learning and Teaching, 10,
EDES101, Educational Thought, 10,
EDES103, Understanding Learners and Their Contexts, 10,
EDES104, Digital Cultures and Capabilities, 10, Not studied by students studying Design and Technologies as a first teaching area and Digital Technologies (Computing) as a second teaching area
EDES105, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Knowledges, Histories and Cultures, 10,
EDES302, Professional Communication, 10,
Part B : Effective Teaching Units
Complete exactly 60 credit points from the following:
EDET100, Effective Teaching 1: Becoming a Teacher, 10,
EDET101, Effective Teaching 2: Curriculum, Planning and Pedagogy, 10,
EDET200, Effective Teaching 3: Engaging Learners and Managing Learning Environments, 10,
EDET300, Effective Teaching 4: Diverse Learning and Inclusive Education, 10,
EDET400, Effective Teaching 5: Assessment and Data Informed Practice, 10,
EDET401, Effective Teaching 6: Professional Engagement and Reflection, 10,
Part C : Secondary - First Teaching Area (60 cp sequence)
Part C.1 OR Part C.2
Part C.1 : First Teaching Areas from Bachelor of Arts
Complete at least 60 credit points from the following:
BUSD, Business Studies, 80, Available to study as a Teaching Area in Brisbane, Melbourne, Strathfield
DETI, Design and Technologies, 80, Available to study as a Teaching Area in Brisbane, Melbourne, Strathfield
DRAM, Drama, 80, Available to study as a Teaching Area in Blacktown, Brisbane, Melbourne, Strathfield
ECON, Economics, 80, Available to study as a Teaching Area in Blacktown#, Brisbane#, Canberra#, Melbourne#, Strathfield#
ENGL, English, 80, Available to study as a Teaching Area in Blacktown, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Strathfield
GEES, Geography, Environment and Society, 80, Available to study as a Teaching Area in Brisbane, Melbourne, Strathfield
HIST, History, 80, Available to study as a Teaching Area in Blacktown**, Brisbane, Melbourne, Strathfield**
MATH, Mathematics, 80, Available to study as a Teaching Area in Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Strathfield
MUSC, Music, 80, Available to study as a Teaching Area in Brisbane, Melbourne
SRLG, Study of Religions, 80, Available to study as a Teaching Area in Brisbane, Canberra, Strathfield
THSD, Theological Studies, 80, Available to study as a Teaching Area in Brisbane, Melbourne
VISU, Visual Arts, 80, Available to study as a Teaching Area in Brisbane, Melbourne, Strathfield
Please note that the 60 cp must be studied from 1 of the Arts majors and that no more than 2 units can be studied at 100-level and at least 2 units must be studied at 300-level.
# Units only available online
**Students in NSW studying the History major complete either Ancient or Modern History. Unit enrolment advice should be followed. In NSW Ancient History requires 1 unit of Modern History, and Modern History requires 1 unit of Ancient History.
Part C.2 : First Teaching Areas from Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science
Complete at least 60 credit points from the following:
Part C.2.1 : Physical Education (Brisbane and Melbourne only)
Complete at least 100 credit points from the following:
BIOL125, Human Biology 1, 10,
EXSC109, Games and Sports Skills, 10,
EXSC187, Growth, Motor Development and Ageing, 10,
EXSC199, Psychology of Sport, 10,
EXSC224, Mechanical Bases of Exercise, 10,
EXSC225, Physiological Bases of Exercise, 10,
EXSC230, Motor Control and Learning, 10,
EXSC313, Aquatics and Athletics, 10,
NUTR101, Introduction to Nutrition, 10,
EXSC316, Nutrition for Sports Performance, 10,
EXSC322, Exercise Physiology: Adaptation to Exercise and the Environment, 10,
Part C.2.2 : Physical Education (Strathfield only)
Complete exactly 130 credit points from the following:
BIOL125, Human Biology 1, 10,
EXSC109, Games and Sports Skills, 10,
EXSC187, Growth, Motor Development and Ageing, 10,
EXSC224, Mechanical Bases of Exercise, 10,
EXSC225, Physiological Bases of Exercise, 10,
EXSC230, Motor Control and Learning, 10,
EXSC313, Aquatics and Athletics, 10,
EXSC199, Psychology of Sport, 10,
EXSC385, Challenges and Opportunities in the Health of Young People, 10,
EXSC106, Social and Emotional Wellbeing of Young People, 10,
EXSC250, Gymnastics and Dance, 10,
EXSC314, Healthy Relationships for Young People, 10,
NUTR101, Introduction to Nutrition, 10,
Part D : Secondary Curriculum Studies Units (Major And Minor)
Complete exactly 40 credit points from the following:
EDCB299, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in Commerce and Business Studies, 10, Teaching area: Business Studies, Economics
EDBU399, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in Business Studies, 10, Teaching area: Business Studies
EDDR299, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in Drama Education 1, 10, Teaching area: Drama
EDDR399, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in Drama Education 2, 10, Teaching area: Drama
EDEO399, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in Economics, 10, Teaching area: Economics
EDEN299, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in English Education 1, 10, Teaching area: English
EDEN399, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in English Education 2, 10, Teaching area: English
EDGE299, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in Geography Education 1, 10, Teaching area: Geography
EDGE399, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in Geography Education 2, 10, Teaching area: Geography
EDHE299, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in Health Education 1, 10, Teaching area: Health
EDHE399, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in Health Education 2, 10, Teaching area: Health
EDHI299, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in History Education 1, 10, Teaching area: History
EDHI399, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in History Education 2, 10, Teaching area: History
EDMA299, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in Mathematics Education 1, 10, Teaching area: Mathematics
EDMA399, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in Mathematics Education 2, 10, Teaching area: Mathematics
EDMU299, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in Music Education 1, 10, Teaching area: Music
EDMU399, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in Music Education 2, 10, Teaching area: Music
EDOE299, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in Outdoor Education 1, 10, Teaching area: Outdoor Education
EDOE399, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in Outdoor Education 2, 10, Teaching area: Outdoor Education
EDPE299, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in Physical Education 1, 10, Teaching area: Physical Education
EDPE399, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in Physical Education 2, 10, Teaching area: Physical Education
EDPI399, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in Politics and International Relations, 10, Teaching area: Politics and Internal Relations
EDPS299, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in Psychology Education 1, 10, Teaching area: Psychology
EDPS399, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in Psychology Education 2, 10, Teaching area: Psychology
EDIT299, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in ICT and Digital Technologies Education 1, 10, Teaching area: ICT and Digital Technologies
EDIT399, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in ICT and Digital Technologies Education 2, 10, Teaching area: ICT and Digital Technologies
EDAR299, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in Visual Arts Education 1, 10, Teaching area: Visual Arts
EDAR399, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in Visual Arts Education 2, 10, Teaching area: Visual Arts
EDRE270, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in Religious Education 1, 10, RE Accreditation
EDRE440, Religion Studies Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment, 10, Teaching area: Study of Religions
EDRE471, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in Religious Education 2, 10, RE Accreditation
EDTE299, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in Design and Technologies 1, 10, Teaching area: Design and Technologies
EDTE399, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in Design and Technologies 2, 10, Teaching area: Design and Technologies
EDSO399, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in Society and Culture, 10, Teaching area: Society and Culture
EDSS299, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment in Humanities and Social Sciences Education, 10, Teaching area: Politics and International Relations, Society and Culture
20 cp must be completed for every Teaching Area
Part E : Second Teaching Area - Secondary Discipline Studies
Part E.1 OR Part E.2
Part E.1 : Second Teaching Areas from Bachelor of Arts
Complete at least 40 credit points from the following:
BUSD, Business Studies, 40, Available to study as a Teaching Area in Brisbane, Melbourne, Strathfield
DTCO, Digital Technologies (Computing), 40, Available to study as a Teaching Area in Blacktown, Strathfield
DRAM, Drama, 40, Available to study as a Teaching Area in Blacktown, Brisbane, Melbourne, Strathfield
ECON, Economics, 40, Available to study as a Teaching Area in Blacktown#, Brisbane#, Canberra#+, Melbourne#, Strathfield#
ENGL, English, 40, Available to study as a Teaching Area in Blacktown, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Strathfield
GEES, Geography, Environment and Society, 40, Available to study as a Teaching Area in Brisbane, Melbourne, Strathfield
GRDE, Graphic Design, 40, Available to study as a Teaching Area in Blacktown, Strathfield
HIST, History, 40, Available to study as a Teaching Area in Blacktown, Brisbane, Melbourne, Strathfield
MATH, Mathematics, 40, Available to study as a Teaching Area in Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Strathfield
MUSC, Music, 40, Available to study as a Teaching Area in Brisbane
PINR, Politics and International Relations, 40, Available to study as a Teaching Area in Melbourne
PSYC, Psychology, 40, Available to study as a Teaching Area in Brisbane*, Melbourne
SRLG, Study of Religions, 40, Available to study as a Teaching Area in Brisbane, Canberra, Strathfield
THSD, Theological Studies, 40, Available to study as a Teaching Area in Brisbane, Melbourne
VISU, Visual Arts, 40, Available to study as a Teaching Area in Brisbane, Melbourne
Part E.2 : Second Teaching Areas from Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science
Complete at least 40 credit points from the following:
Part E.2.1 : Health
Complete exactly 40 credit points from the following:
EXSC187, Growth, Motor Development and Ageing, 10,
NUTR101, Introduction to Nutrition, 10,
PUBH102, Foundations of Health Promotion, 10,
PUBH312, Applied Health Promotion, 10,
Available in Melbourne only
Part E.2.2 : Outdoor Education
Complete at least 40 credit points from the following:
EXSC115, Foundations of the Outdoor Experience, 10,
EXSC116, Journeying in the Natural World, 10,
EXSC290, The Aquatic Environment and the Outdoor Experience, 10,
EXSC312, River Journeys and Connections to Place, 10,
EXSC390, Leadership Practices and the Outdoor Experience, 10,
EXSC391, Evaluation of the Outdoor Experience, 10,
Available Brisbane and Melbourne only
Part F : Electives
Complete 0 to 50 credit points from the following:
NMBR140, Introduction to Mathematical Thinking, 10,
EDAB441, Experiencing Aboriginal Knowings in Country, 10,
EDMA413, Statistics and Probability in the Middle School, 10,
EDRE429, Foundation Studies Teaching in Catholic Schools, 10,
EDFX204, Engaging with Global Communities Personal Professional Learning in International Education Contexts, 10,
EDFD454, Literacy and Numeracy Across the Curriculum, 10,
EDST470, Secondary Technology and Engineering in an Integrated STEM Classroom, 10,
Students may choose Electives from the Bachelor of Arts, or, subject to Course Coordinator approval, other units from the Schedule of Unit Offerings in courses offered by the Faculty of Education and Arts.
Part G : Core Curriculum Units
Complete exactly 10 credit points from the following:
UNCC300, Justice and Change in a Global World, 10,
PHCC320, The Just Society, 10,
Part H : Literacy and Numeracy Test
Complete exactly 2 of the following:
LNTE110, Literacy and Numeracy Diagnostic, 0,
LNTE111, Literacy and Numeracy Test, 0,
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