

28th San Diego Latino Film Festival International Poster Competition

28th San Diego Latino Film Festival International Poster Competition

09/11/2020 2014 0

For the safety of all involved, we feel this is the best decision at this time. Please help our non-profit by quickly telling other festival patrons you may know, volunteers, partners, venues, announce on social media, actors/filmmakers etc.. of this unfortunate news. Over the next few days we will try to re-organize ourselves & comprehend the totality of this announcement; and come up with new plans for moving forward; and new 2020 festival dates.

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ASEAN-Korea Academic Essay Contest 2019 To Win The Trip To Korea

23/07/2019 2707 0

ASEAN-Korea Academic Essay 2019 is organized by AUN to have the opportunity to win an entire trip to Korea in 2019

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Understanding Korea 2019 Contest Writing

10/07/2019 3060 0

Understanding Korea 2019 Contest with the goal of improving and enhancing the image of Korea in the eyes of international friends

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