* Optional Work Placement
Standard entry requirements apply. A typical offer would be BCC at A Level or DMM at BTEC.
All International and EU students applying for a course with us must meet the following minimum English language requirements:
This program captures the spirit of advertising in traditional and digital forms, examining the increasingly important and dynamic role that marketing communications plays within an organization. In the world of branded content and consumer power, we recognize the role of advertising is constantly changing, due technological advances.
This course takes a practical position on the application of advertising, with a heavy emphasis on experiences, such as the planning and execution of real projects.
We will support you to achieve your career and study ambitions, which is why if you complete our Employability Plus Gold program or Changemaker Gold certificate alongside your studies and if you haven’t secured full-time employment 12 months after graduating* we will secure a three – six month paid internship for you, or support you into postgraduate study.
Note: *with a 2:2 degree classification or higher
Communication today is much more of a two-way or even three-way process and organizations must stimulate and respond to their customers instead of just persuading them to buy their brand. This course takes a practical position on the application of advertising, with a heavy emphasis on experiences – such as the planning and execution of real projects.
We provide you with opportunities to visit companies locally and in the USA allowing you to meet professionals working in the sector.
Advertising as a joint honors subject is most commonly taken with Marketing or Multimedia Journalism although many other combinations are available.
More info: Click here
Pre-sessional English Program (PEP)