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Đủ điều kiện đại học
Bằng Tốt nghiệp Trung học Ontario (OSSD) hoặc tương đương. Các ứng viên có OSSD thể hiện các khóa học tiếng Anh và / hoặc Toán cao cấp ở Cấp độ Cơ bản, hoặc với các khóa học Nơi làm việc hoặc Mở, sẽ được kiểm tra để xác định khả năng đủ điều kiện nhập học của họ; HOẶC
Chứng chỉ Đầu vào Học thuật và Nghề nghiệp (ACE); HOẶC
Chứng chỉ Phát triển Giáo dục Tổng quát (GED); HOẶC
Tình trạng Học sinh Trưởng thành (19 tuổi trở lên và không có bằng tốt nghiệp trung học khi bắt đầu chương trình). Tính đủ điều kiện có thể được xác định bằng bài kiểm tra thành tích học tập với mức phí $ 50 (có thể thay đổi).
Tính đủ điều kiện của chương trình
Tiếng Anh, lớp 12 (ENG4C hoặc tương đương) với điểm 65% trở lên.
Ứng viên có bảng điểm quốc tế phải cung cấp bằng chứng về các yêu cầu cụ thể của môn học đã nêu ở trên và có thể được yêu cầu cung cấp bằng chứng về trình độ ngôn ngữ.
Chương trình Giáo dục Mầm non hai năm của Trường Cao đẳng Ontario chuẩn bị cho bạn trở thành một nhà giáo dục trẻ em trong nhiều môi trường học tập sớm. Có kiến thức và kỹ năng cần thiết để làm việc với gia đình và các chuyên gia khác để hỗ trợ việc học tập và phát triển của trẻ em.
Chương trình này cung cấp cho bạn khả năng tạo, thực hiện và đánh giá các chương trình giảng dạy dựa trên trò chơi và câu hỏi trong khi xây dựng môi trường kích thích lấy trẻ làm trung tâm.
Hưởng lợi từ các cơ hội học tập lý thuyết và thực hành. Bạn có ba vị trí công việc trong suốt chương trình tập trung vào trẻ em từ sơ sinh đến 12 tuổi. Những trải nghiệm thực tế này cho phép bạn tích hợp lý thuyết với thực hành chuyên môn trong cài đặt chương trình học tập sớm.
Bạn hỗ trợ cung cấp hướng dẫn cho trẻ em trong khi lập kế hoạch, thực hiện và đánh giá các chương trình. Thông qua các vị trí công việc, bạn có các kỹ năng và kinh nghiệm thực hành có giá trị để giúp bạn hiểu các vai trò, bối cảnh và trách nhiệm đa dạng của một Nhà giáo dục Mầm non.
Sau khi tốt nghiệp, bạn đủ điều kiện đăng ký với Trường Cao đẳng Giáo dục Mầm non (CECE). Đăng ký học Giáo dục Mầm non (CECE là bắt buộc để đủ điều kiện làm việc với tư cách là Nhà giáo dục Mầm non ở Ontario.
Thông tin thêm: Click here
Level: 01
Communications I
Communication remains an essential skill sought by employers, regardless of discipline or field of study. Using a practical, vocation-oriented approach, students focus on meeting the requirements of effective communication. Students practise writing, speaking, reading, listening, locating and documenting information, and using technology to communicate professionally. Students develop and strengthen communication skills that contribute to success in both educational and workplace environments.
Observation Skills
Observations are used by educators to identify children's skills, abilities and interests. They are also used to determine the effectiveness of early learning programs and to plan effective curriculum. Students begin to examine and utilize a variety of observational tools to facilitate assessment and planning in an early learning setting.
Preparation for Placement
The ability to understand and reflect on professional roles and responsibilities in the early learning sector is important for a student educator's success. Students begin to examine and develop an understanding of professional ethics, standards of practice and roles and responsibilities of a student educator in an early learning setting.
Introduction to Curriculum
As professionals, early childhood educators plan, implement and evaluate play-based curriculum. Students explore a variety of factors that influence curriculum design including knowledge of child development, play based pedagogy and different curriculum approaches.
Health and Wellness for Children
Creating environments where children can safely explore and learn is an essential aspect of the ECE profession. Students are introduced to the social determinants of health and examine legislation regarding health, nutrition and safety requirements in early learning settings.
Foundations of Early Childhood Education
Early Childhood educators are professionals who require a strong foundation in the history and philosophy of early childhood education in Canada and globally. Students begin to examine the impact of policies, legislation and regulations across all levels of government on early childhood education. Students also examine the impact of cultural and family systems on early learning programs and professional relationships.
Child Development
Professionals working with children and families use knowledge of child development to guide their practice. Students examine physical, language, social, emotional and cognitive changes from infancy through school age within a social ecological context. Students begin to make connections between development and play experiences.
Level: 02
Communication II for ECE
Registered early childhood educators require professional writing skills to produce letters, reports, assessments, guidelines, observations and curriculum. Clear and concise writing skills are essential for effective communication within the context of the early childhood education environment. Students refine the mechanics of their writing including organization, grammar, spelling, referencing, audience awareness and format.
Prerequisites: ENL1813S
Music and Movement Experiences for Children
Music and movement are part of children's daily experiences. In order to support children's learning and development, educators integrate a variety of music and movement opportunities throughout the day. Students actively explore the pedagogical value of music and movement experiences in early learning settings.
Psychology of Learning
Students explore how individuals acquire knowledge and skills and how environments influence the learning process. Through examination of different theories from both historical and current perspectives, students develop an understanding of how learning is influenced by developmental, psychological and social elements. Students use real life experiences to identify how these theories can be used to support learning and development within continuously changing environments.
Seminar I
Taking the time to reflect on one's knowledge, skills and practice is essential to the ongoing growth and development of an educator. Students examine and reflect on their emerging skills and competence in leading routines and transitions.
Prerequisites: FAM1000 and FAM1015 and FAM1236 and FAM1242 and FAM1243
Practice Teaching I
Practical learning experiences support the integration of theory and professional expectations in a variety of early learning settings. Students practice observational skills and assist in the facilitation of routines and transitions. Students also reflect on their emerging knowledge and skills in developing responsive relationships with children and families.
Prerequisites: FAM1000 and FAM1015 and FAM1236 and FAM1242 and FAM1243
Environments for Young Children
Educators must be able to differentiate and implement essential elements that are characteristic of inclusive early learning environments for infants, toddlers and preschool aged children. Students explore evidence informed practices within programs aimed at these age groups. Student examine how to co-design early learning environments and spaces that encourage investigation, imagination, creativity and problem solving.
Prerequisites: FAM1000 and FAM1236 and FAM1242 and FAM1243
Introduction to Children with Exceptionalities
Educators create respectful, equitable and accessible early learning experiences that facilitate the learning and development of all children. Students explore various exceptionalities, universal design principles, assistive technologies and regulatory requirements that foster inclusive learning environments. Students explore family supports, engagement and advocacy.
Prerequisites: FAM1000 and FAM1236 and FAM1242 and FAM1243
Guiding Children's Behaviour
In early learning settings, the guidance of children's behaviour requires the use of a proactive approach designed to support children's development and well-being. Students explore various factors that have an influence on the interactions and behaviours of children in early learning environments through evidence-informed strategies. Students review strategies and techniques to assist them in modifying the physical, social and emotional environment to support all children's learning and development.
Prerequisites: FAM1000 and FAM1236 and FAM1242 and FAM1243
Level: 03
Children's Literature
Early exposure to developmentally appropriate children's literature encourages children to develop language, cognitive, emotional, social and problem-solving skills. In this intensive writing course, students use critical thinking skills to select books and poetry. They assess and use different story sharing techniques. They create story-sharing plans to create learning experiences that develop emergent literacy skills.
Prerequisites: ENL2027
Creative Art Experiences for Children
Creative artistic exploration allows children to express their thoughts and feelings through a variety of mediums. In order to foster the development and appreciation of creative arts. Educators integrate a variety of open ended experiences throughout the day. Students actively explore the pedagogical value of creative art experiences in early learning settings.
Practice Teaching II
Practical experience working directly with children and families allows students to broaden and deepen their integration of theory with professional practice in early learning settings. Working at a practice level within an early learning environment, students guide children through the day with minimal support from their on-site supervisor and plan, implement and evaluate curriculum that facilitates the learning of all children. Students reflect on their emerging knowledge and skills in developing responsive relationships with children and families. As well, students establish goals and determine strategies to successfully meet all practice level requirements.
Prerequisites: FAM1000 and FAM1015 and FAM1233 and FAM1234 and FAM1236 and FAM1241 and FAM1242 and FAM1243
Seminar II
Personal and professional values and beliefs have a significant influence on an early childhood educator's practices. Students start to explore their own values and beliefs and the impact on their work with children and families. Through reflection, students consider their emerging skills in developing curriculum for individual and groups of children.
Prerequisites: FAM1000 and FAM1015 and FAM1233 and FAM1234 and FAM1236 and FAM1241 and FAM1242 and FAM1243
Environments for Kindergarten and School-Age Children
Educators must be able to differentiate and implement essential elements that are characteristic of inclusive early learning environments for school and/or licensed based programs. Using evidence informed practice, students learn how to co-design early learning environments and spaces that encourage risk taking and emerging autonomy.
Prerequisites: FAM1243 and FAM1245 and FAM1246 and FAM1248
Creating an Effective Curriculum
Educators are expected to plan, implement and evaluate play-based curriculum. Students develop the skills necessary to implement the curriculum cycle as a framework for facilitating play-based learning. Practical components of the course include the examination of professionalism, family inclusion and pedagogical documentation as essential elements of curriculum development.
Prerequisites: FAM0029 and FAM0030 and FAM1000 and FAM1236 and FAM1242 and FAM1243
Math and Science Experiences for Children
To support children's active engagement with math and science, educators must provide learning experiences that facilitate these everyday encounters. Building on children's natural interest, students examine how to support children's math and science skills in early learning environments. Students also explore the importance of connecting children to nature through active exploration. Students actively discover ways to engage children in math and science.
Prerequisites: FAM1000 and FAM1236 and FAM1242 and FAM1243 and FAM1245
Choose one from equivalencies:
General Education Elective
Visit the general education electives site for details about how to select these courses.
Students choose one course, from a group of general education electives, which meets one of the following five theme requirements: Arts in Society, Civic Life, Social and Cultural Understanding, Personal Understanding, and Science and Technology.
Equivalencies: ARC9001 or DSN2001 or ENV0002 or FAM1218 or FIN2300 or GED5200 or GED5300 or GEN1001 or GEN1957 or GEN2000 or GEN2003 or GEN2007 or HIS0001 or HIS2000 or HOS2228 or LIB1982 or MGT7330 or MVM8800 or RAD2001 or SOC2003 or GED5002 or GED5004 or GED5005 or GED5006 or GED6022 or GED1896 or GED5009 or PSI0003
Level: 04
Practice Teaching III
Students consolidate knowledge and skills gained throughout the ECE program. Guided by the College of ECEs Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice, students consistently demonstrate that they are ready to practice as an early childhood educator with a focus on curriculum development, competence, professionalism and communication. Students engage in critical reflection and dialogue to establish relevant goals as well as determine effective strategies to meet all final placement requirements.
Prerequisites: ENL2027 and FAM0029 and FAM0030 and FAM1033 and FAM1240 and FAM1244 and FAM1245 and FAM1246 and FAM1247 and FAM1248
Seminar III
Using reflective practice, students examine their knowledge and skills in being ready to practice as an early educator with focus on curriculum development and implementation, competence, professionalism and communication.
Prerequisites: ENL2027 and FAM0029 and FAM0030 and FAM1033 and FAM1240 and FAM1244 and FAM1245 and FAM1246 and FAM1247 and FAM1248
Language and Emergent Literacy
Language and early literacy skills are foundational for life-long success; therefore, educators must possess the knowledge and skills to create, prepare and evaluate language-rich environments. Students examine the natural progression of language and literacy development and explore strategies and materials essential for environments that support the multi-dimensional language and literacy skills of children from birth to twelve years of age.
Prerequisites: ENL1904F and FAM1000 and FAM1236 and FAM1243 and FAM1244 and FAM1245 and FAM1246 and FAM1247 and FAM1248
Families and Community
Cultural and demographic changes in Canada have an effect on students working with diverse children, families and communities. Within the historical and current Canadian context, students examine influences of cultural beliefs, biases and professional practices with diverse children, families and communities. Students develop effective strategies, techniques and resources to support and/or advocate for diverse families and communities.
Assessment of Children's Learning
In this course, students apply various techniques of observation, pedagogical documentation and reflection to support children's learning, holistic development and well-being. Students examine assessment practices outlined in provincial pedagogical documents, and in particular, learn about principles of assessment including types, purposes and function of assessment. Students explore quality assurance mechanisms and discuss their role in developing and maintaining quality in early learning settings.
Prerequisites: FAM1000 and FAM1243 and FAM1246 and FAM1247
Professional and Administrative Practices in ECE
Knowledge of effective administrative practices is essential for developing and overseeing early learning and care programs. Students examine governance models and legislative requirements for early learning settings. Students explore topics related to job readiness, advocacy, ethics and leadership.
Prerequisites: ENL2027 and FAM1033 and FAM1240 and FAM1241
Các nhà giáo dục mầm non đã đăng ký có thể tìm việc làm ở:
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lớp học mẫu giáo
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tổ chức chăm sóc trẻ em tại nhà
cơ hội kinh doanh
Bảo hiểm sức khỏe: 500 $ CAD mỗi năm