This course offers you the opportunity to study financial risk as it applies to a business and management context at Masters level. The course will provide you with a comprehensive grounding in the key areas of financial markets, financial regulation and risk management which will prepare you for a career in financial risk management. You will also be provided with the necessary grouThis course will further develop the knowledge and skills acquired during your undergraduate studies by enhancing your ability to understand the financial risk frameworks within a business and management context. Along with the knowledge of financial markets, financial regulation and risk management required to comprehend the operations and assess the risks facing businesses, you will also further develop the necessary quantitative, research, and presentation skills required for a successful career. Besides focusing on specific areas of financial markets, financial regulation and risk management, this course offers you a contextual understanding of the environment in which businesses operate and the place of financial risk management within a business. nding to go on to further academic study in the areas of finance and management.
More info: Click here
The successful completion of your MBA provides a strong foundation for your professional prospects. You will be equipped to join an employer in a variety of positions and you will be given the potential for fast track career progression opportunities.
The course has been designed to develop graduates who are able to:
Successful completion of the MBA also provides the foundation for progression to further study and research and many students continue to work towards the Doctor or Philosophy (PhD).Our practice events i.e. our live business-led activities, differentiate our Full-time MBA. Working on consultancy projects with leading organisations and supported by experienced academics and professors of practice provides you with the opportunity to gain the valuable experience needed in your early career and potential to enhance your professional prospects. As part of the vibrant and multi-cultural MBA learning community you have the opportunity to gain a valuable network of professional contacts for the future.
Insurance-Single: 300 GBP/year