What does the cost of studying in the Netherlands include?
Studying in the Netherlands is a very hot phrase that has been interested by many students and their parents in the past few years. But not everyone knows what the cost of studying in the Netherlands includes. What is tuition fee of an academic year? To better understand this issue, let's find out through the article below with Applyzones!

Cost of studying in the Netherlands - Tuition fees
Compared to developed countries with the same quality of education, the cost of studying in the Netherlands is not expensive. In particular, undergraduate and postgraduate programs in the Netherlands also funded by the Government, the number of money students has to spend compared to the quality received is not significant.
Tuition fees are stipulated by the Government of the Netherlands to be divided into 2 types: compulsory tuition and school fee.
+ Compulsory tuition: the amount of tuition that all Netherlands and European students must pay is 2,000 euros
+ School fees: are set by the schools. This fee will vary depending on the quality of education, the popularity of the school. For international students outside the EU countries will have to pay tuition fees on average from 6,000 to 20,000 euros/year. Besides, the tuition at private universities will be higher than the tuition at public universities. As for preparatory programs, the level of payment between EU students and students in other regions is equal.
The reason for the difference in tuition rates between students from EU countries and other countries is that the Netherlands is a member of the EU and cooperates with the Bologna system, so universities in the Netherlands always create conditions, helping EU and EEA students on tuition issues. Therefore, students from a country other than the EU/EEA may be charged twice or even triple the amount of tuition that EU students must pay.
Details of the cost of studying in the Netherlands for non-EU students by course is as follows:
+ Preparation course: from 6,000 to 12,000 euros/year (from 1 to 12 months)
+ Bachelor course: from 6,000 to 10,000 euros/ year (from 3-4 years)
+ Master course: from 7,000 - 20,000 euros/ year (from 1-2 years)
+ MBA: 40,000-50,000 euros/year.
Cost of living
The total cost of living that international students have to pay in a year ranges from 800-1000 EUR/month including expenses such as food, travel, books, clothes and other expenses of recreational activities. Of course, you also need to pay for housing and insurance. Not only in the Netherlands, but in most other European countries, international students have to spend the same amount of money.
Besides, depending on the city you live in, the cost of living will vary, for example in big cities such as Enschede, Amsterdam and Delft, it costs more than EUR 100 -200/month compared to with other cities.
This is a fee accounting for 37% of the total cost of living. Unlike other European countries, very few universities in the Netherlands have dormitories, especially in big cities like Amsterdam. Therefore, international students often have to be proactive in finding accommodation outside of school. Renting a room in the Netherlands will cost between 300 and 600 EUR/month depending on the form of renting. Besides, you will pay an extra cost for housing-related expenses such as internet, utility costs etc.
Besides housing costs, another fee that many international students have to pay is the cost of food. On average, this fee consumes up to 30% of the total monthly budget. Students living alone will have to spend about 170 EUR/ month for food bills from supermarkets. Please note that shopping in Amsterdam is much more expensive than in smaller cities like Groningen or Eindhoven.
The monthly travel fee for students in the Netherlands is about 35-40 EUR/month. One of the ways to save this fee is to travel by bicycle, with very cheap prices from 9 EUR/day. This form of transportation not only saves you the cost of studying abroad but also helps to improve your health and protect the environment. In case of need to travel at a distance, the train or other public transport will be more convenient.
Other extra costs
Books and materials cost between 30 and 65 EUR/month. If you participate in social activities, you will have to spend 50-60 EUR/month.
Ways to save the cost of studying in the Netherlands effectively
Choose a study pathway suitable to the financial condition
One of the best ways to save money on studying in the Netherlands is choosing a school, a location as well as a study field that are suitable for you. Because these choices greatly determine the total cost of studying in the tulip country. Therefore, if financial conditions are relatively limited, you should choose to study at applied public schools and professions that are affordable to study, as well as refer to living in small and peaceful cities instead of studying in bustling and expensive cities.
Save the cost of studying in the Netherlands by spending on science
A reasonable spending plan will help you save a small amount. Therefore, choose a suitable form of renting if you cannot live in a dormitory, rent an apartment with many rooms and live with other students. In addition, instead of eating out, go to the supermarket and cook for yourself to save money.
Hunt for scholarships to study in the Netherlands
With the desire to attract more international students, the Netherlands has launched very valuable scholarships and support programs. The number of scholarships for international students is not small.
Therefore, you should try to seize this opportunity if you want to have the most economical study abroad route. One of the most effective scholarship hunting tips is to regularly visit the official websites of universities in the Netherlands or seek the help of overseas study consultancy centers to realize the dream of studying abroad in the Netherlands in the most effective way.
Look for a part-time job
The policy on a part-time job for international students in the Netherlands is quite open, each student can work up to 10 hours per week during the semester and work full-time during the holiday. Therefore, you should take advantage of this policy to find a suitable job to cover your life while studying abroad in the Netherlands. Please note that although it is a part-time job, you should still apply for a permit to avoid unexpected problems.